Rp's for Jonah?

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Jonah Rodregue

New Member
Hey :) .

Well, I'm looking for rp's and relationship's for Jonah here! He's a 21 year old who up until now lived in a small town in California, Point Reyes Station. He was home schooled as a teen, by his grand-mother, although he's always wished he could've attended Hogwarts.
Recently, he moved to New Zealand in search of work, and found that Honeyduke's was in need of a new owner. He applied for the job and was accepted, so is now running the shop and living in the flat above it with his younger sister, who is hoping to transfer to HNZ after the summer. She did attend Beuxbatons but there have been numerous problems, so for now she's being home schooled by Jonah and there father.
Jonah's a kind, friendly, caring, laid-back and humorous guy who's always up for a laugh but is very protective of those he loves.
I'm looking for friends and acquaintance's in general for him, maybe even a romance?
If you guys have any ideas, would like to rp with Jonah or could use him in any of your plots, please comment! I'd really appreciate it, and I'm up for anything tbh :D .
I have Katherine Bishops, works at the Daily Prophet and managed to be a part time cousin to her little cousins. She's kind, determine, loud (because its needed for her job) and a little fast talker when she's nervous. She can be something.
Cyndi could be a friend for Jonah. They are around the same age and seem to have a few similarities. I think she'd really admire his dedication to his family, and she's been taking life a bit too seriously lately so it'd be good for her to have a few laughs.

It could also be interesting since Cyndi's a professor at HNZ and his sister is planning on going there :)
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