Rowan Kylie Baros

Rowan Baros

finding fate | astro researcher | new mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Rowan Kylie Baros

It's you, it's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you
Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you

Name: Rowan Kylie Baros
First Name Meaning: "little red head"
First Name Origin: Scottish and Irish
Middle Name Meaning: "a boomerang"
Middle Name Origin: Australian Aboriginal

Last Name Origin: Habitational name from any of several places called Barros, named with barro ‘loam’, ‘clay’. Hungarian: from a pet form of the personal names Barnabás (see Barnaby) or Bertalan (see Bartholomew). Czech and Slovak (Baroš): from a pet form of the personal name Bartolomej (see Bartholomew). Polish: from a pet form of a personal name beginning with Bar- (Bartlomiej, Bartolt, or Barnaba). Greek: nickname from Albanian mbarë ‘happy’, ‘lucky’.
Nickname?: Ro, Rrrrrrooowaaaaaan

So, please, don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts

Color: Pearl White
Least favorite color: Periwinkle
Music: Wizard Rock, Indie, Songwriter
Food: Anything vegan - she is particularly fond of Peanutty Edamame and Noodle Salad
Literature: Rowan doesn't really read
Form of entertainment: She loves dancing and watching dancing
Expressions: Rowan expresses herself through poetry and dancing
Mode of transportation: She loves driving with her Dad - she can't wait to learn with him next year
Most prized possession: Elsie's Art Book
Previously: The apology letter Elio wrote for her
Previously: Her camera
Flower: Rowan does not have a favourite flower

Trust me, I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate

Date-Of-Birth: 12th July, 2035
Place Of Birth: Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
Current Area Of Residence: Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
Birth Parents: Nadine and Wyatt Baros
Heritage: American

Please, don't break my heart
I know how it feels
To be open

Gender: Female
Height: Rowan is about 5'2 or 156 centimetres tall
Weight: Rowan is quite petite
Dress Code: Rowan likes to wear skirts, dresses and denim short shorts including booty shorts example
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Turn ons:
  • Soft Touches
  • Sweet nothings
  • Laughter
  • Physical closeness
  • Random dates
  • Thrown over shoulder or carried
Relationship Status: It's very complicated, bro
First Kiss: Rowan's first kiss was with Elio Zephyr on Valentine's. It didn't quite go as expected
Innocence: --
Skin Tone: Light
Skin Type: Type 1
Hair Colour: Natural Brown
Hair Type: Medium waves
Hair Length and Thickness: Cropped and thick
Eye Colour: Crystal Blue
Playby: Acacia Brinley Clark Kersey
Distinguishing Features: She has a small scar on her inner thigh from where she dropped a curling iron as a child, a Capricorn tattoo on her wrist, semicolon tattoo on back of ear, xoxo tattoo on finger and sentence tattoo on right shoulder, braces, a nose piercing, a navel piercing and multiple piercings in her ears as well as a recent tongue piercing.
Health Status: Healthy
Allergy/s: Rowan is not aware of any allergies though dust and smoke trigger her asthma
Suffers From: Mild anger issues, asthma, depression, slight OCD
Blood Status: Pureblood
Blood Type: AB +

And then find out your love isn't real
I'm still hurting, yeah
I'm hurting inside

Education: Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor
Subjects Taken for OWLs/NEWTs:
  • Transfiguration
  • Care of Magical Creatures
  • Potions
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • History of Magic
  • Charms
  • Astronomy
  • Herbology
  • Muggle Studies
  • Divination
Wand: Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Good Traits:
  • Dependable
  • Protective
  • Compassionate
  • Caring
  • Wise
  • Honest
  • Loving
  • Joker
Bad Traits:
  • Quick to anger
  • Prideful
  • Fierce
  • Overprotective
  • Resistant
  • Violence Prone
  • Cruel
Interests and/or Hobbies: Photography, poetry, dancing
Additional Skills: Photography
Graduation: --
Current Job: Student
Boggart: Public Humilation - Being humiliated in a big group, publicly. She's already faced this at least once when she was humiliated at the Valentines Dance by Elio after after he rejected her
Patronus Memory: When Elio told her he loves her
Dementor: Hearing the absolute worst news of her life, the death of her father and sister
Animagus: Lion
Patronus: Lion Rowan is loyal to a fault and doesn't always pick the best course of action, though she often does try to weight the pros and cons, she does so only with the intention of biding some time. Nine times out of ten she already knows what she's going to pick and continues with her already though out plan [x]
Languages: English
Accent: Mid Western and Kiwi
Piercings: Multiple ear piercings and nose piercing
Tattoos: Capricorn tattoo: Rowan's first tattoo was one she got on her fifteenth birthday. She wanted something to help remind her of Elio, but wouldn't be too much of a commitment if he told her she shouldn't have gotten it. This tattoo has pride of place on her inner left wrist.
Semicolon tattoo: After Elsie's and her dad's death, Rowan didn't take it too well and so, in order to help her overcome her emotions, Elio took her to get another tattoo. This symbolises that life goes on, even when it's hard. Rowan's life doesn't stop just because she's in pain. This is on the left side of her head, behind her left ear.
Dad, I love you tattoo: The last thing Rowan said to her father before he died, immortalised on her skin. She wanted a reminder of the relationship they shared, even if they weren't as close as they should be. This is on the right side of her body, just on the back of her right shoulder.
xoxo tattoo: The last thing Elsie texted before she died, Rowan wanted tattoo on her finger. This was always Elsie's sign off and even if she didn't sign her name, this was how people knew who had written. It didn't matter what medium, including her art, xoxo was always the sign off. This is on her left hand, middle finger.
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I promise that you'll never find another like me
I know that I'm a handful, baby, uh
I know I never think before I jump

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert mostly
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and Messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing all the way
Confident or unsure? Unsure, with confident moments
Animal lover? YES

Personality: Rowan has a very "my world is on fire around me" view to life which can often get her into a lot of trouble when she's not careful. She's highly expressive and easily gets intoxicated with life. She feels all her emotions deeply and sometimes struggles with keeping them contained. Brutally honest, sometimes to the point of hurting others and she's relentless in her pursuit of anything. Her family nicely calls her stubborn, but she's almost like a predator hunting for prey when it's something she really wants. She does know how to take herself down a few knots though and has a variety of hobbies, such as photography and poetry that calm her. Rowan, for the most part, is resistant to change and likes to micro manage things because she can't always control the things in her own life so she tries to control others, often to the detriment of her own relationships. She is incredibly hard to get to know because she doesn't like talking about herself or her own experiences. She loves people and being around them but she's not great at getting to know people and often finds it a hassle for a couple of conversations. She's open and affectionate with the people she loves and she believes very strongly in chances - giving second and third and fourth chances. It's hard to earn her trust and even harder to break, though she will often insinuate her trust breaks easily, she's incredibly loyal to certain people. She finds it hard to keep up with multiple relationships and finds her life much simpler with the least amount of effort, though she fights tooth and nail to keep the relationships she allows herself to form. She knows the pain of rejection and public humiliation and tries to avoid those scenarios at all costs
Immediate Family:

Father: Wyatt Baros
Rowan and her father were generally close, they got along like a typical father and daughter. They had their moments because he often disagreed with her choices and she often told him to stay out of her life, but they loved and cared for each other deeply and she would never have wish him any harm. After his death, Rowan found herself reevaluating her relationship with him and believes she should have spent more time with him

Older Brother: Lukas Baros
Rowan doesn't talk to Lukas often. They exchange letters on occasion, but they had very different interests so it can be difficult to find common ground for them. When they do manage to hang out, they generally have a good time and stick to topics like what they're currently doing and how the family is doing. Rowan doesn't talk about her photography with Lukas as he thinks it frivolous.

Older Brother: Isaak Baros
Isaak is in a different school and has vastly different interests to girly girl Rowan. Though they actually have more in common than either of them realise and they keep in contact via owl like the rest of the family. He tells her about Quidditch and she lets him know how her Divination and Photography dreams are going. They have a laugh when they're together.

Older Brother: Zennon Baros
Rowan and Zennon are close and share secrets. She is closest with Zennon out of all the boys and feels he understands her on a fundamental level. They hang out often when at school, but less so at home as they also have vastly different interests.


Mother: Nadine Baros
Rowan loves her mother and they are very close, like only a mother and daughter can be. They do a lot of things together and Nadine first helped Rowan learn how to use make up. They like to go shopping together and she and Rowan often enjoy just sitting and talking like close friends. They understand each other and Rowan is a lot like her mother in more ways than either would sometimes care to admit.

Older Sister: Azelea Baros
Azelea and Rowan sometimes keep in contact, but Rowan doesn't know her very well. She can sometimes be very single-minded and likes to make her opinion known, which can often frustrate Rowan. They sometimes exchange letters, but Rowan doesn't go out of her way to talk to her.

Younger Sister: Elsie Baros
Rowan and Elsie were thick as thieves. As twins they'd been together their whole lives. Though they were very different, they enjoyed doing things together and would often go out of their way to help each other. Rowan was very protective of Elsie and would do anything to keep her safe. Learning of her twins death took Rowan extremely hard and she believes she will never truly get over the loss, or stop blaming herself for the incident.

Younger Sister: Grace Baros
Rowan loves Grace and often tries to take her under her wing. They have different interests, but she loves being big sister to her. She is very protective of Grace and tries to keep her mostly in the dark about the harsh realities of life.
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I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off

Starsign: Cancer
Element: Water
Ruling Planet/s: The Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Stone: Moonstone
Life Pursuit: Constant reassurance and intimacy
Vibration: Moody
Secret Desire: To feel safe (emotionally, spiritually, romantically and financially)
About Starsign: Compassionate and Family Orientated

Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac’s enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family, and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol – the Crab – Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a “Moon Child”, we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special. Nurturing, protection and caring for others underline the life principles of this water sign.

Emotional and Sensitive
Just as the Moon goes through many changes as it moves from its new to full phases, Cancers too go through many new and full phases of experience. Life doesn’t stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place, because they live so much in their internal oceans of emotions. Their link with the Moon often makes it impossible for them to operate on an even keel from day to day. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this characteristic is part of their charm.

Romantic and Mysterious
Love and romance matter more than anything else to this sign (but this occasionally shares first place with having lots of money in the bank). No other sign romances better, equally though, no sign takes it so badly when romance turns sour either. But with their changeable natures, Cancerians are fascinating, mysterious, stimulating and extremely alluring. This sign is one of the most magic of all and once their magic has reached you, they are the most beguiling companions. After all, isn’t the Moon the most talked about and romantic galactic identity?

Your Strengths – what to love:

Your over the top generosity – you will literally give someone ‘the shirt off your back’ if they need it.

You have an instinctive mothering nature – brewing endless cups of tea, tucking in heart-broken friends, listening for hours on end to yet another sob story.
Your smile can light up any and every room and every person.
Your home is a safe haven for you and your loved ones.
Cancerian Weaknesses – what to loathe:

Your emotional blackmailing technique – which can be frightening. As in “I gave you the shirt off my back, you have to do this for me”.
Your mood swings are legendary – ruled by the Moon, you tend to go through intense ups and downs every few days…
Getting information out of people is your forte, but heaven help someone who tries to pry info out of you. You clam up and resent them for prying.
Tend to prefer to stay home watching TV than go out with your friends – boring!

Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rabbit

About Zodiac: Rabbit is the fourth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Rabbit include 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023...

For Chinese people, the rabbit is a tame creature representing hope for a long time. It is tender and lovely. The moon goddess Chang'e in Chinese legend had a rabbit as her pet, which stimulated the thought that only this creature was amiable enough to match her noble beauty. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are not aggressive but approachable. They have a decent, noble and elegant manner.

People with Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign usually impress others with an image of tenderness, grace and sensitive. They are romantic in relationship, having a high demand in life quality. They avoid arguing with others, and have a capability of converting an enemy into a friend. They are homebody and hospitable, and like house fitting-up. They can work with speed and efficiency, do not insist and get angry easily. But they also like hesitating, which makes them lose many chances.

Gentle, sensitive, compassionate, amiable, modest, and merciful
Amorous, hesitant, stubborn, timid, conservative

Horoscope and Numerology Elements: Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Mao
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Mu (Wood)
Yin Yang: Yin
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors: red, blue, pink, purple
Lucky Flowers: snapdragon, plantain lily, nerve plant
Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

Unlucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8
Unlucky Colors: dark brown, dark yellow, white
Unlucky Direction: northwest
Zodiac sign
compatibility - Best Matches: Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig
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My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

History Before School: TEXT
History At School: TEXT
History After School: TEXT

Template and Coding: Teigan
Lyrics: it's you - Ali Gatie
Me! - Taylor Swift
Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes
She's a butterfly - Martina McBride
Images: Tumblr
Zodiac Sign:
Chinese Zodiac:

She remembers when she first got her wings
And how she opened up that day
she learned to sing

Previous Relationships: TEXT

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