🌹 Rose Giving Rosy Rose

Gabrielle Sylvie Durand

Transfer | Confident | Soft Meanie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (bi)
Sexual Orientation
31/01/2054 (16)
Gaby had noticed the Hogwarts Monthly leader around the school and she didn't seem overly excited about the world around so Gaby thought that probably she could find River here. "Rose for River!" She easily said as she entered the club room, hoping to find the girl.

Pink for @River Hopkins-Vance
River was doing what she did best, sitting in the Hogwarts Monthly room working on ideas for their first meeting. She had a great discussion the first semester but had let some of her emotions get the best of her with the criticisms of the paper. Especially when people admitted that her favourite section, the poetry section, was not needed. She wanted a more fun meeting this time, but River didn't have much experience with fun. Not really. She sat scribbling in her notebook when a student approached. River looked up surprised at the words that came out of the girl's mouth. A Rose. River had a rose. This must be a mistake. River looked up the girl, her mouth slightly open for a moment before catching herself. "Oh..umm. Yeah I'm River" she said knowing how dumb that sounded.
"Here's a pink rose for you, River," Gaby excitedly came in finally and gave the girl a rose. "I really love your poetry corner on the paper," she said as she also found the note.

I think you're super cool and smart and pretty and creative and it's amazing how you do that thing with your hair all the time you're the coolest 7th year I know I mean I don't know a lot but you're definitely one of the coolest you work so hard and I like being around you but not in a weird way just in a I have a crush on your way promise. Happy Valentine's! You should make your hair pink for the day!

Love from your secret admirer
River smiled slightly as she received the rose. This had to be some joke. She never thought about impressing people, anyone other than impressing her mother and sister. She was a shadow. How did she get a rose and nonetheless a pink one. What did that mean? She read the note. She wanted to tell the girl she made a mistake, but she hoped she hadn't. River tried not to smile, but her hair flickered brighter in response. Someone was a secret admirer? Someone liked her hair? Instantly she doubted they knew what she was or maybe knew too much. Her mother said it was a dirty secret. She tried to breath a few times to calm herself. Had she given away her secret?

With all her emotions she barely forgot to respond to the girl. "Thank you. I try" she said. She was always taught that she shouldn't brag about herself when there was always someone better. "And thanks for this" she said, wanting to say more. "Can I ask who this is from?" she said knowing she wouldn't get the answer she wanted. Who would have noticed her? It had to be a joke.
Gaby understood that River was a little overwhelmed about the rose as her hair flickered, she noticed the brief change but didn't think too much of it. She knew what it was but it wasn't important, she was just happy that River seemed into all this. "oh, I sadly don't know but I definitely know that it's the longest note I've seen. I haven't read it but all the other notes are shorter," she just saw the length, she didn't read them.

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