🌹 Rose Giving Roses for Ravenclaws

Briony Mettlestone

🦋 Chasing Butterflies 🦋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
12 (03/49)
Yellow Rose for @Hugo Stark-West

Briony had never been in the HM club room before and she couldn't deny she was using her next delivery as an excuse to poke her head in and look around. The whole room did smell faintly of ink and there were a lot of bits of paper and books about but otherwise it didn't seem all that different from some of the other rooms about the castle.

At least it looked like Hugo was in here, she'd known it was a long shot since she was pretty sure she'd seen the co-editor about with his own deliveries too. "Oh hi! You're Hugo right? Are you named after the author? Like Victor Hugo? Or would you need to be called Victor then? Anyway, I have a rose for you," she said, holding up the yellow rose.
[[sorry I missed this thread, and that is a very good question.]]

Hugo had been busy all day running roses to various parts of the castle. he had to stop by the monthly to pick up his notebook and actual book that he had left behind the previous day. he was just about to leave when the door opened and a younger student came in, a second year who he recognised from the common room. "Hello... B, um bo, Briony" he said taking a while to find the right name. "I am Hugo. and that is, a very good question" he said. he wouldn't put it past his mum for naming him after an author. he took the yellow rose that he was offered and smiled at the girl. "thank you very much. how are your deliveries going?" he asked

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