Rose for a Daisy

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
Kauri wasn't entirely familiar with the next girl on his delivery list either, but he thought he had overheard her name enough times in the common room to have a good idea of who she was. He was wandering the castle after breakfast, trying to figure where the girl might be, when he spotted the hair of someone who looked familiar heading outside. Rushing to catch up, Kauri was relieved the girl he had spotted leaving the castle did indeed look to be the one he was fairly sure was his next delivery. "Hi! Are you Daisy Parker?" He beamed.
Daisy was still going about her day, though she had handed out the roses in her basket, a huge smile was still on her face. Valentines Day was such a wonderful day, and she loved spreading the love and joy to everyone. She was a huge fan of the friendship roses that she was giving out; she'd only given one pink rose and it was an exciting one because it didn't have a note! A small Gryffindor stopped her while she was enjoying the feeling of the grass on her bare feet. "I am indeed! Who are you?"
Kauri was relieved to have found the right person, and the fact that the girl was delivering roses herself made him extra happy. "Hi! I'm Kauri!" He said happily, quickly picking the right rose off the top of his basket and handing it over to the girl. "I've got a delivery for you, happy Valentines Day!"
Let's hang out more! What happened to our awesome adventures and pranks and stuff?! I'll never get bored of spending time with my best friend. Love you loads friend.
Daisy grinned as the boy introduced himself, absolutely loving his name. Though her middle name was Aroha, Daisy often wished she had a name that more accurately represented her culture, though she definitely loved Daisy as well. It was a hard fight she often had with herself. "I love your name." Daisy said sincerely, before he handed a rose over to her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of it; it had been a long time since she had received one herself. The Gryffindor girl let out a little squeal, taking the rose from the boy, and reading the note. She couldn't stop smiling. "Thank you Kauri!" She responded, giving the younger boy a huge hug.
"Thanks!" Kauri grinned cheerfully in response to Daisy's compliment. A lot of people struggled to pronounce his name and it could get a little stressful at times, so it was nice to hear from someone who liked it. He watched the girl read her message, pleased to have been able to help someone be so happy. It was a bit of a surprise when she hugged him but Kauri gave a goodnatured laugh and hugged back happily. "You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!"
Daisy didn't really have a place to put the note, so she bit it between her teeth before sliding the rose behind her ear. The stem was too long, but she was happy with it there regardless. She grinned at Kauri before posing for him. "How do I look?" She teased.
Kauri was a little confused when Daisy put the message between her teeth, but her actions became clear a moment later when she put the rose behind her ear, and he laughed and clapped happily. "That's perfect!"
Daisy grinned at the boy as he clapped for her. She gave a little bow, laughing slightly at the silliness. "Thanks Kauri! It was lovely to meet you!"

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