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Lewis Kane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Lignum Vitae Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker

So this is Lewis. He is an Auror and he loves his job. He studied medicine in Oxford University so that is his second passion. Lewis is a nice guy who loves to just make a new friend and talk over a pint. He is the type of guy who does not make enemies very easily, mainly because he is good at reading people and can tell if someone is the sort of person which he would want to be around or not.

Im looking for anything for him really. I just want to get rping with him again so plot are very welcome. Im looking for friends for him. People who he can talk to ad have a laugh with. Also few love interests would be good. He is loyal so he wouldnt cheat on his partner. I dont mind if he has a final now or just a few flings, im open for anything with him​
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