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Demelza Rogers

Well-Known Member
This character is one of my favourites because i love her whole background and family and she hasn't really had many rp's. So i was wondering will any of you cool people rp with her. Now that brightstone is open i can rp with older students maybe a mentor?
What i would like is:
-A few average friends.
-A couple of close friends.
-A crush or someone having a crush on her. It will do wonders for her self esteem.
-A couple of best friends, someone that she can have when she goes to Hogwarts so if times get tough she will have someone to talk to and vice versa.
Demelza already has one potential best friend and i think it would be great for her to have another.

Demelza is a model and hates it because her mom pushed her into it at an early age. She doesn't get along very well with her mom because of this and because of a lot of other factors. She isn't big-headed she's actually quite humble, she tries to be nice all the time and she tries to hide the fact thats he does modelling although sometimes it comes out if she's feeling angry or sad.

She doesnt trust easy but she is friendly, when you do get to know her she becomes a bit more open and more fun. She is very loyal to those who are her friends and she doesnt like to be judged like oh she's just another dumb model.
Angela is a nice girl, and like Demelza, has troubles with self esteem. Maybe they could encourage each other. Angela has a lot of acquaintances, but she needs a best friend. what do you say?
Klaus and Demelza could be friends maybe even a crush?

Klaus would understand what shes going through because he has the same ting with his music and having be perfect because of his dad, so they could connect through that?
Ok everyone that sounds amazing :)

Angela - That would be really good because they can both give each other compliments to help their self esteem. Do you think maybe they could start off as close friends and end up as best friends?

Klaus - That sounds great, they could connect through that. She would probably trust you a lot since they are sort of going through the same thing ^_^ . I think they could be freinds going into a crush because they can relate to each other. Awesome, can you start the rp please :D

Fairy - That sounds great, Demelza needs friends to make her fell wanted :hug: maybe they could be best friends over time because you cant really become friends in an instant. She might need to be persuaded a bit to open up though :) could you start the rp please <3

thanks guys. There's still average friends and cose friends open even enemies if you wish :shifty:
Okay for Angela's do you want me to start it or can you? (btw, this is angela, i'm to lazy to log out :p)
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