Roleplays For the Insomniac

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Timothy Van

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" CherryWood Core Essence of Griffen Claw
Hey guys, here's my latest account Timothy Van!

A Bit o' Info

So I started this account after watching weeks worth of CSI, Law & Order, and other crime realted shows. Most of the suspects involved were insomniacs. Also, I have been researching Insomnia for quite some time now. So as all this was adding up and I decided to make an Insomniadic account. I used my name Timothy since most of my "friends" refer to me as one. They are messing with me of course, however they couldn't stop me from making an account like this.

Info On the Lad
Age: 19
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 100 lbs


Timothy Van was born in Great Britan, however ran away to New Zealand in search of something pointless.(Like a dog he never had or money he never lost) Anyways he now roams the Darkest places of New Zealand. He talks with himself. There are two sides to him. One is a killer, the other is the follower and basically the real Timothy Van. I can't say much about him since he is extremely Bi-Polar and often is off and on as a masicist.(One who inflicts pain on themself)

What I'm Looking For
People Who try To "Save" Him
People who pity him and want to get him help. They should be the closest ones to him.
People whom he meets, but never befriends them or becomes their enemy. He just scares these people or they scare him.
These are the types of people whom have no pity for him. They think he is lesser because of his illness.​

Questions? Comments? Post here or messege me via the PM System!
I've always been a goody shoes with Maddiie for some reason :) I don't mind looking after him, maybe he could meet my husband or something? Possibly try to get him into St.Mungos because of his conditions? She sick as well, as a rare wizaring conditions that not a lot people know about. (Only family and those who witness her conditions are rare) but anyways I hardly rp something different besides the typical love drama. So I want something new happening, give me a hollar if your interested.
Tim would be super interested I believe. However the roleplay would take quite a while. He is not that easy. I also think it would be a good idea to be with your Husband since Tim can be sort of a monster at times :o

Anyways I don't want it to be a get off te streets you scum bag type of roleplay. I'm looking for a pity person. You character looks quite like a good shot.
I'd be interested to roleplay.
You might have to wait for the hubby. Unless if you want to play him too? My friend plays him now, and the person not online a lot. Maybe 4 times a week but only to reply to our rps and that's it. Up to you really :)
I don't care, you don't really have to have him on. YJou'll just have to be a master at convincing Tim he is doing wrong :p

Shall I start or you?
*meant to say unless you want me to play him too >< and I just thought of something, I can rp them with Maddiie and if you like to start that be nice :)
Omg I've been wanting to fill this thing so baddd xD

People Who try To "Save" Him pleaseee xD xD xD
Alright Madiie!
And Haha nice Maybelle!

Anyways Maybelle actually saned Tim down quite a bit, however Insomnia is incureable and he will always be "strange" :/
Thus a family would be the best thign now for him. So I'll start it as soon as I can. I cna't promise it this week though :/
Take your time Tymm I've been wanting to rp more with her so its cool. I also alerted my friend too :)
take as loooooooong as you want! xD

I dont mind him being crazy again :p
ALright! Thanks guys!

And Miss Starr, I'm waiting for the Immolator to reply first to "Unexpected Visitors" just incase you're wondering.

And Miss Maddie, I think I'm open on creating the topic soon actually :p
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