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Ellie Sparks

Well-Known Member
Maple 12 3/4 Inches with Essence of Silver Thistle
Well I feel like I've hardly rp'd as Ellie, except in classes, for ages! So anyone up for an rp? We could work out a plot or just see were it goes! Plus, Ellie seems to know hardly anyone around here, 'cos I left in 2nd year, so it would be great if anyone Ellie hasn't met yet would like to rp, as well as people she has and knows :D .
HI Ellie!

I actually need to rp for my Ancient Runes class. Would you like to help me out? It would give us a chance to rp and get to hang out and you'll get a reading out of it.

Yay! Ok...I'll pm you after I start the rp. I'll do it sometime tonight after I get home from work.
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