Rock Concert

Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Johanna walked along the streets of London attempting to find the place said on the flyer.It was getting dark and she shivered slightly.She had come to London in the morning and had done some shopping before going back to New Zealand,changing and then coming back here again.She wasn't even sure why she was going because from the sounds of it this concert was not going to be her cup of tea.When she finally reached her destination she sighed when she saw the people. Great she though before walking to the front door and giving the person there the card Ashton had given her.She didn't like the looks the man was giving her but she ignore them knowing she had faced much worse then this and she would be able to handle it.She walked into the venue and sighed.It was going to be a long night.Seriously did these people ever hear of hairbrushes?Luckily she had gone along the lines of black and leather for her outfit so she didn't look too out of place.She sent a quick text to Ashton telling him she was here before walking to the side of the bar that was there.She could feel someones gaze on her back and she turned around and saw some big hairy fella looking at her with appreciative eyes.She did her best not to wrinkle her nose.She gave him her so not interested look before turning back.After a few minutes she still felt the gaze and when she turned again he was much closer.she could smell the alcohol off him and again she tried not to wrinkle her nose "Do you want something?"She asked coldly wishing Ashton would arrive
Kida was sitting in the backstage lounge with her Brother and Fiancé waiting for them to go on when she heard Ashtons phone go off, she looked at him questionly when he asked her to go find a girl outside for him she sighed and stood up from her Comfy spot and let go of her Fiance's hand
Kida made her way to the door which split the Private lounge from the "Pits" she looked back over her shoulder and rolled her eyes at Ashton
'You owe me for this' and she then walked out.
Kida shut the door behind her and saw alot of people staring at her, this made her feel slightly Awkward, Kida smiled and then continued walking wondering who Ashton had picked up this time she slowly made her way to the Bar, keeping far away from the Moshing Groups of people. Kida sighed she hated having to do this, but she knew that as soon as any of the boys left the lounge they would be jumped by their fans.

Kida made her way to the bar and saw the girl she guessed Ashton wanted her to get and saw some creep drooling over her. Rolling her Eyes the Brunette smiled mischevioisly and walked over nudging the guy out of the way to stand next to the Girl, Kida Grabbed the Girls hand and smiled at the guy 'Oh... I'm sorry, shes with me... And were expecting' she said as she put her other hand on her baby bump.
Kida saw the look on the Guys Face when he thought that this would be better but the baby bump scared him off.
Kida smiled at the girl once the guy was gone and let go of the girls hand incase it got a bit to weird 'Hi Johanna, I'm Kida' she said hoping she got the right person 'My Half-Brother Ashton sent me to get you' she added.
Johanna was glaring at the person in question and was about to give him a peace of her mind when someone came up and scared the man off.Johanna was wondering who the hell this person was when she introduced herself "Hey,thanks for back there"She said grinning,grateful for her for helping her ot of that one.Johanna guessed this was Ashton's half-sister and her suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later.Johanna had to say that she warming to the place,maybe not certain people but the place was growing on her.She would love to see the face on her mother if she knew she was here.She was curious as to what rock music consisted of.She was here more out of curiousity more then anything else. "So where to now?"She asked smiling
Kida smiled 'No Problem' she said 'Used to happen to me all the time, but not something tells me that they're not interested' she said putting her hand on her stomach.
'Well we could either wait out here and watch the Band or i can take you back stage' she said still smiling. Kida looked around the room and saw some girls ontop of a guy in a booth and shook her head 'Sometimes i don't understand the "Rock" scene' she explained as she looked in another direction and cringed her nose 'My Sense of smell is heightened i can smell everything' she added knowing that pregnancy heightens a few senses. Kida pointed in a direction and pointed out a man with a smoke in his mouth 'And thats Weed and i rather not smell weed in this state, Back Stage it is'
Kida took Johanna's hand again and lead her to the Back Stage door and she smiled at the guard there 'Hey Joe, She's with me' she said as he opened the door and let them in. Kida dropped Johanna's hand not wanting to be crushed by her brother and went to take a seat next to her Fiance the lead guitarst of the Band.
Ashton heard Kida's voice on the other side of the door and he looked up, he saw Kida and Johanna walked in and smiled as he got up and made his way over to her pulling her into a hug before kissing her on the cheek 'You Made it, Sorry i didn't come get you personally but as soon as i walk out that door i wouldn't have made it further then three steps' he said as he lead her to the Couches
'Wasn't to rough out there was it with all the people?' he asked curiously as he picked up a glass and filled it with water not expecting her to be the alcoholic type and held it out for her.

Ashton ignored the looks from the other Band members and smiled at Johanna. 'Well i've guessed you've now met Kida my half sister who works at the Ministry, and Sorry i didn't tell you that shes pregnant if you have some weird phobia of Pregnant or young mothers or something.. She's sitting next to Ash her fiance and over there is our drummer and our vocals James and Danny'
Johanna smiled,she got that right.Johanna looked around and decided she would prefer to go back stage if that was any way possible. "I agree"She said ,she then laughed she liked Kida.She wrinkled her nose,she could smell something off too.Seriously this was as Kida put it the "Rock"scene if Johanna had to be perfectly honest she'd have to say she was not liking it,this would probably be one of her last rock concerts.She followed Kida back stage.It was way quieter back here and now Johanna was able to hear properly.When she walked in the door she was greeted with a hug ,she returned the hug and looked at the rest of the room before she sat down on the couches. "Don't worry"She said sitting down.She shook her head,there hadn't really been a problem she would of been able to sort it out herself anyways.She took the water "Thanks"She said feeling the looks of the other band members but ignoring them.Johanna smiled when she was introduced to everyone,they wouldn't of been in her peer group and she wouldn't of been in theirs.but Johanna didn't mind she just wanted to see what happened here at a rock concert "So whens it starting?"

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