Right Place Wrong Face

Jonathan Holland

Well-Known Member
Club leeds ways, the best place to be hear to live wizard band, or to end with a bloody nose and face smashed against the pavement. Course if your Jonathan Holland, situation like that rarely happens. He's to like and recognize here for someone to flip their mouth at him in anyways. To be quick about it, he wouldn't response to you either way.

Being the man he mature enough not to. Wide cracks and jokes never got to him, the loser will eventually give up and go after someone. Or else, in rare cases would they keep at till someone face was up against the counter and a few hex were thrown overhead. Jon didn't react, he just sits there listening to the band, tonight it was peaceful. No one said anything, everyone greeted each other normally, things seem fine. Till a gut feeling made him rethink about coming here, he ignored it hoping it would go away.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm loving the title.

Alexander van Laar decided he wanted a little peace before he'd go off and cause a little bit more trouble to that of idiots. He found that there were so many of them out there in the world that he needed to put them in their rightful place...pain. Alex presently came upon a place called Club Leeds Ways. Apparently the best palce to hear a live wizard band. No matter what it was, Alexander decided to enter it. Random hexes were thrown upon him entering. He simply uttered finite and they stopped in air and vanished. He decided to sit down at a random table. He wore a black hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. He wore tight black pants.

As he sat down, he scanned the area not noticing anyone, mainly because they wern't important. He listened to a few songs. It was indeed peaceful, but in a way it somewhat bored him. HE wanted to hear a metal song, they were currently playing some kind of pop. Not anything he was very much interested. Finally, the music started pumping up and a new band came out with an extreme guitar solo. Something that sounded metal, something that fit his taste.
Jon sat listening to the metal, it sounded hazardous to his ears, he like it either way. Willow played that type, only hers was more meaningful and sounded better than what he was listening too. That's when the crowd got rowdy and a few more spells were meant to impale him in the very spot. Jon was quick to kill the trouble.

It got worst, the more they kept throwing carelessly, the more he had to keep at it to protect himself. That's when he saw a man, one who seemed familiar, a man he thought he went to school with two years back. By the mistaken identity, Jon tried to say something to him, but his words came out wrong. Instead he was pushed casted to the man, who he thought was Paul from Drummy. He hit the guy with the back of his elbow, and had crashed him out of the chair he was sitting on. Jon, couldn't have done anything worst, when he noted it was Paul, he went to apologizing. "My Bad crazy in here!" he shouted again, trying to help the man up. Till he saw that's not how you go about things around here, Jon was still getting familiarize with the way things work!
As the music grew louder it was like his soul was beginning to feel lifted. IT was a happy thought, very happy. Soon the crowd began to become more rowdy and chair were thrown as well as spells. At first it seemed like something amazing. Something that was "peace" to ALexander's ears and eyes. He loved to see everyone torment each other. He casted a crucio here and a crucio there on some random patrons. The first one missed, but the second one was dead aim to his chest. He laughed as the man started up in extreme pain. It was almost as if Alex had mastered the curse. IT was immense delight to his eyes. He stupified others and knocked them out cold.

PResently, Spells and hexes started flying towards him from random directions. He dodged some and stoppped others. It was an amazing display of cunning moves with a scale of epic proportions. As he was dodging the spells he presently tripped over someone. A Man who was all too familiar. A man whom he did not want to see at all. "You!." Alexander shouted.
Jon had just missed it. Missed the spells that could've had bee spiraling along the floor like the poor sap, just a few meters away. If it hadn't been for him, being pushed up against Alexander, the victim would've kept suffering, suffering spiraling in place. "Alexander? What the hell wrong with you?!" Jon pushed the man away from him. The crowd grew irritable, they kept pushing both man. Both man were force out into the corridors and dealt on their own. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't leave you paralyze now?!?" Jon barked, he didn't have the energy to deal with a theft. A man Damian, his older brother once knew when he was younger. Jon knew about this guy cause of Damian, with Damian gone now he went by his brother trustful words. And his faint memories of the past.
Alexander only laughed as Jon grew angry. It was funny to him. It seemed that he had raised a temper, no matter, he would do away with the boy if he had too. He was younger and much more inexperienced than he. "Paralyze me eh? Ha! Don't taunt me with such inaccurate assumptions. I will make you feel imense pain before you will even get a chance, boy." Alexander said in a dark tone of voice. As push came to shove, they were in the corridors. More perfect to destroy Jon, Alexander thought. He quickly got up and withdrew his wand once again. He was in the fighting stance. He gestured Jon to make the first move, or else he'd do it for him. "Make your move boy, or I'll make mine and it'll be the last move you ever lay eyes on." He said with a laugh.

Presently, before Jon had the chance, Alexander shouted, "Stupiefy!" and a jet of light shot out of his wand...heading in the direction of Jon.
"Fawking douche, don't have time for your petty games.." Jon snarl furiously at him. "why don't you go back were you came from, maybe the rot of flesh will remind you soon enough" the man was wire up to the point he almost lost his chance to gather his wand. "stupid snake, learn how to fight with a better aim and maybe you'll have a better chance of living" the spell came bounding off Alexander wand, and Jon shouted "protego!" to shield him.

"Go back to what your good at doing and leave these people alone!" Jon shouted and this time he send and explosive spells surging out of his wand directing to Alexander. "If there's anyone I like to kill it be you tonight, so don't p!ss me of!" again he shouted explosive spell at the man, Jon aim was stronger and targeted well. His years at dueling played him fairly well tonight, just not for the man in front of him.

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