
Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
okay so this game works the opposite of corrupt a wish. someone posts a fear and the next person has to say riddikulus and make it less scary. ie what would you do to a bogart to confuse it

for example the person above me said, i fear the dark[/i]
then i say riddikulus, without the dark the stars wont come out.

It may need a little fine tuning, but it is worth a shot.

okay here goes, i will start easy

I fear Jellyfish
Riddikulus, without jellyfish there would be no jelly
i think you may need to post another fear after, sorry i didn't make that clear.

I fear being rejected
Riddikulus, for with out rejection there could never be comfort.

I fear war
Riddikulus, without war there could be no peace.
I fear spiders...
Riddikulus! Without spiders, more yucky things would enter your home, with no spider webs to stop them! :o

I fear the unknown.
thats on odd fear
if you're dad didnt have a belly button then you should be worried, him having a belly button shows that he is normal

I fear failing
Riddikulus! Without the dark the boogeyman would have nowhere to hide from Chuck Norris.

I fear fear itself.
without fear there would be no dementors, i guess thats a good thing, but who would guard azkaban,

okay for real, without fear you will never truly know security.

I fear being alone
This is going a little off track. You can't really reason with a boggart: Riddicukulus has to force it to change into something less scary. (Eg. Boogie-man Snape into Eagle-Hat Snape).

So, let's try ... Riddikulus!

A image of Briar, or you, surrounded by friends and family.

Lesse ... I fear needles. Bum bum buuuuuum, ohIamsuchamuggle.
needle grows longer into a piece of spaghetti and starts dancing.

I fear being different
crack, the Danton is surrounded by many people and fits in perfectly.

I fear Jellyfish (i know i have done it already but lets see someone else's idea)
The jelly fish turns into a balloon and floats away.
I fear boggarts

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