Closed Return to a familiar place

Virginia Kozlowska

Idealist/ Philosopher/Optimist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hazel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
(21) 22/11/ 2042
There were a few holidays that Virginia decided to spend outside the usual environment and go to relax. She went to visit friends left over from her days at Drumstrang. After graduation, she decided to study astronomy, which had been her life's dream since childhood. Virginia met her friends and then spent a couple of hours wandering around the shops, but then they decided to go to the bar to sit and dance if they got the chance. However, one could never know. While the girls went searching, Virginia went to the bar to get some drinks. "Good evening, barman! I would like to order some drinks.'' she asked as she approached the bar counter, but there was a real commotion around her that the bartender hardly heard her. She will probably have to wait a while.
Carter had been bored since graduation. He'd been thinking of leaving the country after school had ended, but that was a lot of work and he wasn't sure he was ready for that yet. So instead he'd just found a bar near the apartment he'd gotten for cheap and started working as a bouncer there. His shift had ended a little bit ago, and not in the mood to go home, he'd decided to brave the crowd and get a drink. He was surprised then to see a familiar face already waiting there. "Hey, Virginia!" He greeted, slipping up beside her with an impish grin. "Long time no see,"
It was starting to get a little tired of waiting for her to be ignored. Maybe it wasn't her day, maybe Virginia should have gone to the others and told one of them to try their luck at the bar. She was about to leave when she heard someone greet her, turning to the direction the voice came from. ''Hey, Carter!'' she greeted smiling at him. ''Yes, indeed. You haven't been seen for a long time either. It can be said that I missed you.''
Carter leaned agaisnt the bar, smiling impishly. "Aw, I missed me too," He teased, brushing a hand through his hair. "I'm so charming and witty." He gave her a playful wink. "I suppose I noticed you weren't around," He teased her. "So where have you been?"
Virginia smiled, a small smirk. ''I can agree that you are like that,'' she flirted, then tossed the blonde strands that fell in front of her eyes over her shoulder. She looked at the man with alarmed eyes. "How could you not notice?" she asked, smiling playfully. "I was in New Zealand. Studying. And where did you disappear to?'' she took one step closer to Carter.
Carter just smiled a little wider, letting her step in. "Here, working. Saving up to get out of here," He told her easily, reaching up with the intent of tucking her hair behind her ear. "Not that I can complain, but what brought you back? It's awfully cold up here." He flirted lightly.
Virginia laughed softly. "A-ok. Didn't you have other plans after school? If you're free for tonight, don't you want a drink?'' she asked him, grabbing his hand and wrapping her fingers around his. "I came back to visit friends. I really missed the cold.'' she answered flirting with flirting.
Carter chuckled. "I'm planning on getting out of here, going to travel for a while," He offered. "I'm just saving up for it." He squeezed her hand gently. "Oh, we can absolutely grab some drinks," He replied with an easy smile, stepping in and trying to brush her hair back. "Too bad you missed the cold- I'd rather some company to keep warm," He laughed lightly.
Virginia smiled. ''It sounds exciting. I also had the same idea to travel, but then the plans changed because there was no travel companion to travel with. '' she refused. ''When do you plan to leave?'' she asked, looking into his eyes. Carter agreed they can take drinks, but as soon as he heard about the company to warm up. She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Honestly, I have frozen. I'd love to have a company that would warm me right now.'' Virginia's voice lightly tickled the Carter earlobe.
Carter shifted away, but only to order them a few drinks. He turned back to her with an easy smile. "I was just saving up so I could take a year off," He told her. "I should have enough in a few more months." He picked up the drinks as they were brought over and offered one out to her. "What do you say we go sit down somewhere, have some drinks and catch up?" He offered, wanting to spend some time with her.
Virginia, of course, had not forgotten about her friends, who had warned her that she was meeting an old friend and would be spending time with him. She welcomed Carter back and smiled back at him as well. ''Then you will leave soon,'' she refused. ''Oh, then you'll be gone the next time I come here.'' She said in a sad voice, then took the drink he offered her. ''Yes, gladly. I saw a free table over there, you can go sit there and talk about memories and the future.'' She agreed to the offer because she wanted to spend time with him.

@Carter Volkov
Carter chuckled and offered out his arm to her. "Well, hey, who knows, we could meet up a few times before I leave," He suggested, fully planning on pulling out her seat for her when they got to the table he was planning on taking them to. "They opened up this great new restaraunt down the road," He told her, his stomach rumbling at just the thought of some good food.
Virginia smiled and took his extended hand. "We can definitely do that. '' she agreed, then he offered to go to a restaurant that has opened very close by. She agreed and spent the rest of the evening with Carter, and it was the coolest night ever.

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