
Jessica Cambridge

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OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
Jessica Cambridge was in for another morning jog. Jogging became a daily activity for the thirteen year old ever since she learned that she was gaining more pounds than expected. She had been completely shocked when she learned how much she gained last month alone. Now, she tried really hard to lose those extra pounds she gained. She never wants to be fat. For her, fat people were just disgusting and die earlier than skinny ones. Gym equipments were obviously not stored in this place and her room is too small to have a treadmill so Jessica decided to do her weight losing in the natural way. She approached the Great Lawn with a confident smile on her girlish face. She put her hands on her hips and stared at the Lawn. They were perfect as usual. Jessica always performed her jogging inside this place. It had fresh air and looked nice and felt comfortable. She was dressed quite fashionably today. She wore her new fuchsia Addidas sports outfit and her new pink Nike running shoes. She found a near bench and put down her pink face towel and her pink water jug. She walked towards the left corner on the lawn. After a deep breath, Jessica narrowed her eyes and took off.

Forty-five minutes passed by when Jessica felt the urge to stop. Her breathing became heavy and liters of sweat flowed down her body. Jessica inhaled a huge amount of air. She needed to stop and rest for a while. After then, she could continue again. Jessica walked towards a bench and sat down. She crossed her legs and took her towel. It was that Cath Kidston pink towel her mom gave her last month. It looked really cute and it was a hundred percent cotton. Jessica rubbed it in her face and her neck. It felt good. When she was done, she put down the towel and grabbed her water jug. She slowly drank from it. The water tasted perfect and she was suddenly refreshed.
Even if he had the urge to sleep some more, Conan already had the habit of waking up early and it was certainly a bit irritating on his part. Even though a little more sleep would do a bit more good in dealing with his mood, his eyes and mind wouldn't let him drift off. Annoyed by the thought, the young boy got up and went to take a refreshing bath. He knew that the bath would be useless as soon as he got out of the room as he would probably get sweaty and dirty once again. Since, at times like this, he likes to run around the lawn and lay on the grass afterwards. Well, he didn't care. At least he felt refreshed before that tiring activity that would at least clear his mind for a little while.

After the bath, he got himself into comfortable clothes and made his way to the Lawn, already starting to run. Once there, the boy was already panting and a bit sweaty. Nobody could blame him though, it was a long run from his room down to the Lawn. He ran and ran around the lawn while it helped clear his mind. A lot of irritating things had happened and he wouldn't mind a bit of relaxation to come his way. As soon as he knew he could take no more, he lay on the ground, watching as the clouds pass by. As he roamed his sight, he noticed a girl nearby. He didn't mind having a conversation at the moment with her since she probably had no connection to Ai. After all, he only had an irritating attitude at his sister's friends, not the ones he met. He stood up and walked over to her. "Hey there. It's been a long time. How you doing?" she told the familiar girl. Conan had met the girl during their first year, and he hoped that she would recognize him.
Working out by her own was a pretty tough task. Jessica had never worked out without a personal trainer before. Katarina had always been by her side. She had always been there to teach Jessica new routines, to encourage her whenever she felt like giving up and to correct her when she did something wrong. A wistful sigh came out of her small mouth. How she missed her life back in London. There, she could always do whatever she wanted, have whatever she fancied without any stupid rules to follow. Jessica touched her belly. It felt and looked better than before. It started losing its disgusting fats, thank God. Jessica started working out with a matching healthy diet last week. She figured no one was going to help her but herself. Collin was always busy with his bogus drawings and she doubted her brother even knew how to train. The thirteen year old wiped the line of sweat that trickled on her forehead.

Jessica noticed the sun rising. It looked better this morning than it did yesterday when the weather was all b!tchy. The girl stifled a yawn. It was still very early in the morning and she was still a little sleepy. Jessica’s eyes observed her surroundings. There wasn’t much to mesmerize. She had been in this place millions of times and she was very sure the lawn back at their home was much better than this lawn. Seconds later, she found a familiar figure that walked around on the corner of the lawn. Curiousness filled Cambridge as she narrowed her eyes. The figure seemed to be coming closer and closer. Jessica raised an eyebrow when she saw the owner of the figure. It was that Hufflepuff boy that talked to her last year. The same boy that got into that gossip magazine on what seemed like eons ago for never leaving her sister. It was like they were glued together, really. Jessica made a face and raised an eyebrow. “Uh, do I know you?” She asked with a not-so-friendly voice. It was a typical question for her. She liked being mean. The question was kind of strange really since she knew him but it was still early in the morning and she was not in the mood to be voted as Ms. Congeniality.
Running had clearly helped the boy to get rid of some thoughts. Only a few days ago, he had a not-so-friendly chat with his old friend, Ryuuji Tsukino. At the time, Conan wasn't really in the best of moods, and knowing that the Ravenclaw was closer to Ai only irritated him more. It seemed that those who have a connection to his sister always irritated him, and it bugged him a lot. He had no plans on making up with his twin and he hoped that the people around him would just freaking understand it. He didn't want things to go back the way they were. End of story. Conan sighed as the thoughts in his mind continued to swirl without end.

The young Hufflepuff couldn't help but to chuckle at the way this girl was talking to him. "She might be fun," he thought to himself as he fixed his gaze upon her. "Yeah. You know me," he said casually, "Or maybe... You knew me would be a better description, perhaps?" he said practically teasing the girl. He wanted to irritate people at the time, but he would probably stop when he knew he would go overboard. He just doesn't want to much of an enemies, or maybe a handful would do. But, Conan seemed to be interested with the female's attitude in a playful way that he could try to not get her on his enemy list.
Jessica had always been very social. A rich young lady like her, she was always attending fabulous parties and making acquaintances with people that passed the qualities she was looking for. But even though she’s chatty and social, she’s quite strict at choosing people that would serve her company. She prefers people that are rich, intelligent and deserves her company. She has a countable number of friends back in London. She belongs to a clique that is composed of five girls and one gay which she is the leader. Jessica sniffed the fresh aroma that the morning air contained. It smelled pleasant and it wasn’t at all aggressive and nasty like any other winter air. The sun was patiently rising above, waiting for its chance to show itself despite of the crappy weather. Moments like these were the ones that Jessica learned to treasure at her times at Hogwarts. She may not say it out loud but she learned to appreciate at least certain little things about this weird place.

The boy’s chuckle intrigued the lass. She found it quite unusual for someone to be humored over a rude question. She heard lots of rumors about this certain Hufflepuff boy. Mostly about that annoying thing with his sister. Jessica thought that it seemed a bit too farfetched for siblings with the opposite gender to be irrevocably attached to each other. Her criticism came from a personal experience with her older brother, Collin. Their relationship revolved as annoyances and they both have strong dislike for each other. Collin was the calmest person she knew and it was never a good thing. Although, she heard that the two Edogawas claim that they’re both twins, it was just very unusual for them to bond so much. As far as Jessica was concerned, when both siblings of the opposite gender bound together so much and it seemed like they couldn’t be unbound, it was either one of them was a homosexual or both of them had a slight madness going on for them. Jessica’s left eyebrow rose expectantly as Edogawa’s words sunk beneath her. “Share that description then” She replied, sounding very stern as she stared at the Hufflepuff boy’s Asian features.
Conan thought that it would indeed be a pleasure for him to have the girl around. She seemed to be stern, a bit spoiled maybe? "Rich girl, perhaps?" he thought to himself as he thought about the girl sitting in front of him. Of course, he didn't quite mind having tough girls as company, it would be quite of fun for him indeed. He could actually tell that he had either intrigued the girl or confused her at the way he reacted. After all, who would be humored by someone not being friendly with him. Well, Conan was, and the girl would just have to deal with it, cause he was persistent and would definitely not stopped until he could make her agree to be his friend or acquaintance.

Deciding that teasing the girl would actually be more fun, he continued on with him. After all, they practically knew nothing about each other except faces, but they did still meet once. "I'm not one to share," he said with a sly smile on his features. "But maybe, I'll be willing to when you drop the tone your using. Makes me think that your my Mom. And you really wouldn't want to be her, would you?" he said as he stared down at the sitting girl as he stood next to her. Perhaps she could have some fun with him at the moment, he really had nothing to do, after all it was still early in the morning and almost no one was up yet to amuse him except the girl in front of him.

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