🌹 Rose Giving Reluctant roses at recess.

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
There was one name on the list that Hugo both recognised and didn’t want to deliver to. The history of magic professor. Not the one who he was sitting in his first lesson with but the one that took the older years. Professor borisyuk. A man who must have been at least three times bigger than him. And it was a red rose. Who sent a professor a red rose? He had spent most of his last lesson trying to decide if it would be better to deliver the rose to the professors office or during meals in the great hall. Eventually he had decided that the professors office would be less embarrassing. So during recess he wandered the opposite way down the corridor to his classmates stopping outside the door. He took a breath and knocked on the door half hoping that the professor wasn’t there.

@Professor Killian Borisyuk
Killian just finished his walk, which he was still tugging his robes onto his shoulders as he walked toward his office, but his green eyes gaze down to see a small student. Wait, this student was too young to be in any of his classes. Great, was this another one of those deliveries? He folded his arms across his chest and cleared his throat, "Are you looking for me?"
hugo had expected the professors voice to come from the other side of the door. so when he heard it come from behind him he jumped so startled he almost dropped the flowers. turning around he realised he had been right the professor was almost three times the size of him. he stumbled of a second trying to remember what he needed to say. "yes sir. professor borisyuk sir. a red one" he said in almost a squeek as he reached for the roses and held out a red one with a note.

You are the most incredible man, and professor I've ever met. I'm so happy you took me home from the bar the night I twisted my ankle. I can't wait to spend more valentine's days with you.
xoxoxo Amethyst.

@Amethyst-Rose Kuznetsov
Killian raised an eyebrow when the student jumped. Maybe when he was interacting with students, he ought to take the smallest amount of shrinking solution. Regardless, he listened to what the lad had to say. A red rose. Merlin, it better be from Amethyst, otherwise he won't hear the end of it. He bent down to take both and read the card. He breathed a sigh of relief, but rolled his eyes as she brought up the ankle incident. "Thanks. See you when you are a fifth year." Killian wasn't sure what year the boy was in. He couldn't tell based on height. He opened the office door and walked in to sit behind his desk. At least this rose was appreciated. The others weirded him out slightly.
hugo watched as the professor took the rose and read it before entering his office it was hard to tell what he was thinking from such a low angle the professor thanked him and said that he would see him in fifth year "yes sir, you are welcome sir. have a good day professor" he said before leaving to see if he could find anyone else before his next class.

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