professor killian borisyuk

  1. Amethyst-Rose Kuznetsov

    Closed We Need To Talk

    Amethyst hadn't quite been feeling herself. The normally overly chipper, quick witted woman was feeling dragged down, almost like she was coming down with something. Then came the nausea. Every morning when she tried to eat she felt so overly nauseated that it made it hard for her to eat. But...
  2. Celia Vuong

    Closed What a Shame My Tongue’s Not Tied

    By now, Celia had a pretty good idea of who called the shots when it came to Hogwarts' curriculum. So she had been surprised to hear that Professor Borisyuk was making changes for the lower years. Was the Ministry finally doing something? Or was Professor Borisyuk going rogue? Had he gotten...
  3. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving Reluctant roses at recess.

    There was one name on the list that Hugo both recognised and didn’t want to deliver to. The history of magic professor. Not the one who he was sitting in his first lesson with but the one that took the older years. Professor borisyuk. A man who must have been at least three times bigger than...