Relationships, DUMSTRANG

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Daniel Olsen

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
I have been neglecting Daniel from a while and since I am currently using him in another plot I decided to bring him back into swing. He goes to Dumstrang instute and lives with the Carla family. He has liked Kasey Carla from long time but they are finally parting ways this winter. This is the last holiday that he will spend with the Carlas.

I need two best friends and one love intrest for Dan. The love intrest should probably be someone from Dumstrang. He needs someone to bring him out of all this, to care and love him. Also he does not know about his parents whereabouts since past four years.

So who'd like to help me bring Daniel back into action?

Thanks in advance,
I could offer up Seraphina as a love interest if you want :) She hasn't done very much as of late, so it'll be good to get her out and about ^_^ She's fairly nice to people once she gets to know them but may take not warm up to them straight away. She's a fifth year so if that's a problem then it's OK.

I also have Detrick, her brother. He's been even more quiet than Seraphina :lol: He's starting to get out of his shell a bit more now he has a girlfriend =wub= :lol: And he's up for meeting some male friends. He's in Daniels year too I think :lol:
I have a 6th year durmstrang student. Aaliyah. She'd just turned 17
yes i would love to rp with all of you. can you start a topic Seraphina
and a different one for detrick
yes aaliyah would be great too.
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