🌹 Rose Giving Red Roses for Hufflepuffs

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Beatrice rolled her eyes as she walked towards the fourth floor corridor, wondering if she'd even find the girl she was supposed to give a rose to. The Ravenclaw stood around others in the corridor who were handing out their own gifts and tried to see if Eurydice was anywhere nearby. @Eurydice Nightray
After studying for some time and the commotion in the library, Eurydice decided to go back to the Common Room for a bit to switch out her things. She thought she'd done enough studying for the day and that it would be nice to reward herself since she also had classes today. She was almost to the Common Room when she passed Beatrice, whom she paid no mind to. They didn't actually get along all that well, and she wasn't exactly up for a fight.
Beatrice watched as Eurydice walked past her and turned around slowly, not really wanting to talk to the girl. "Hey Eurydice, I have a rose for you," she said, holding out a red rose with a note for the girl to take.

[A sketch of a red milk snake]
Eurydice hadn’t really thought that Beatrice could be delivering anything for her. She was sure that if given the choice, the Ravenclaw wouldn’t have so she supposed deliverers didn’t get a choice in who they needed to go to. She hoped Jonah was okay. In any case, she turned back around and went to take both the rose and the note. “Thank you,” She wondered who would send a red rose though since there was note, she supposed she’d find out soon enough.

Eury saw the red first and her hand began to shake. It felt like her vision narrowed to focus on just the image she was seeing. It wasn’t a good drawing but she knew instantly what it was and who sent it. It wasn’t moving but it might as well have been for the memory it sent Eury of a snake slithering towards her and the fangs of an agitated snake moments away from lunging at her. It took her another moment to scream - or to realize she was screaming as she dropped both the note and the rose as she tried to scramble back as fast as she could, only to trip, and fall to the ground.
Tizi had been too late, Eury had read the note before he'd gotten to it and he immediately knew what it was. She'd told him, and he was annoyed he couldn't do anything about it. After all, it was just a snake, right? There was no proof, and though Tizi probably wouldn't have minded going to prison for cursing a child, there were a lot of reasons why he wasn't willing to do that right now. As she fell, Tizi quickly ran over to her and crouched beside her, wrapping his arms around her before pointing his wand at the paper and the rose and burning it. He didn't give a second glance to the girl who gave it to her, because he knew this wasn't Morrie, but he settled for pulling Eury into his arms and rocking her slightly, because she was screaming and crying. For f#ck sake. This just wasn't going to work for him. "Shh, Eury, it's okay, it's not a real snake, it's a drawing, it's fake," he whispered gently into her ears.​
Beatrice started walking away once the Hufflepuff took her rose and was glad to have that over with when she heard screaming. The Ravenclaw turned around and saw an unexpected scene, seeing an adult helping Eurydice calm down. Bea hadn't looked at the note, but she saw that it was now gone, and she hoped it had nothing to do with her. The second year quickly left the corridor to go deliver more flowers.

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