🌹 Rose Giving Red and Yellow Kill a Fellow

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Yellow rose for @Friday Weeks

Elise was starting to think she under estimated the challenge she was facing trying to find people she had never spoken to before. But she was up to the challenge and was curious to meet all of these new people. The great hall was the perfect place to start since everyone was there three times a day anyways. She made her way to the Gryffindor table and scanned the table to see if maybe she'd be able to just tell who Friday was. But that didn't seem to work. But she wasn't worried, there was always the more direct approach. "Anyone here know where Friday Weeks is?" she asked a group of students. "Anyone?"
Friday had already received one rose, and she was pretty hopeful that she might get at least one before the end of the day. The girl was rewarded for thinking that as she heard someone asking if she - Friday - were sitting around the place. "That's me," she said to call the girl over, but trying to appear at least not too eager about it.
Elise let out an breath and was relived when Friday finally spoke up. "Oh that goodness." she said mostly to herself before pulling out the next rose on her list. "Well here you go." she said once she was standing by the other girl. She held out the flower and the note for her to take.

We should hang out more, I'm bored
Friday took the rose and the note as they were handed to her. She read what the note said and then gave a little nod. She could agree. She wanted to hang out with Vanity too. It had been so long. "Thanks," She said a little belatedly to the girl who had brought her the rose.
Elise hovered as the girl took the rose and read the note that went along with it. She had wanted to see the reaction to the note. Her curious nature getting the better of her but she got distracted and pulled out her list of deliveries and saw a common last name. She looked up as Friday gave her a quick thanks. She gave the other girl a nod. "No problem." she said simply. "Do you know a Saturday Weeks and where they might be?"
Friday was feeling very glad for her rose, and then paused at the question. Saturday was getting a rose. Really. Friday smiled. "She's my little sister, and I don't know. Somewhere near SLytherin though," Friday replied.
Elise frowned a little when Friday's answer wasn't super helpful but she thought about it for a second. If someone asked Ezra where she was he'd probably be just as bad at answering. But she figured anything would help at this point and if anything she could look for someone that looked vaguely like her sister. "Thanks!" she said brightly before turning to leave.

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