Open Real Professional Lessons

Cyrus Thorne

Piano Player | Poet | Slightly Pretentious
OOC First Name
1/2050 (11)
Open after Kadi posts with Leah

After a year of watching the games and thinking over the idea, Cyrus had decided he wanted to try out for the Ravenclaw team this year. It seemed like a team that wasn't too competitive to get on, but he still wanted to make sure he had a bit of an advantage. Leah had offered to help him, so here they were at the pitch. Cyrus glanced at his broom and then at his cousin. "You're sure you can help me?" He asked her dubiously.
Leah was more than relieved to be back at school. It helped that now both her cousins were at school with her, and when Cyrus mentioned joining the quidditch team and needed some help she was practically dragging him out to the pitch. She scoffed when he asked if she could help him. "Of course." she said confidently. "I go to every game and know most of the captains by now." she said maybe a little over confidently now. But one captain being one of her best friends had to count for more, right? "Trust me." she insisted as she grabbed her broom. "Grab that quaffle and I'll head to the hoops, and you can try and score on me. Let's see if you've got what it takes to be a chaser."
Cyrus didn't know how knowing the captains would help, but he decided not to ask. It was nice of Leah to want to help him at all, especially since she was a sixth year and he only in his second year. He nodded as she told him to trust her, taking the broom more firmly in his hand. "Okay." He said. "Thanks..." He then grabbed the quaffle and flew into the air, waiting for Leah to take her position as keeper.
Leah grinned and took to the air. She made her way to the south hoops and waved to her cousin. "Ok, so you're just going to come at me as fast as you can." she called out. "And I'll try and block it." she added and tried to keep up her sense of confidence. But as much as she liked quidditch she knew she wasn't very good at actually playing it. She always got too distracted by everyone flying by, and it wasn't like she had much practice playing either. "Then we can switch if you want!"
Cyrus nodded at Leah's instructions. It seemed easy enough. He tucked the quaffle under his arm and flew at Leah. it wasn't quite as fast as he could go, as he was worried he'd drop the quaffle if he did, but he went fast enough. He flew up to the hoops and tried his best to throw it past Leah into the right hoop.
Leah did her best to focus. She gripped her broom with one hand and held out her other hand ready to swat away the quaffle when Cyrus threw it. He was quite fast and she felt herself hesitate a little as he finally threw the quaffle. She swerved to her left and cursed as the quaffle brushed past her fingers and went through the hoop. With a heavy sigh she chased after it before returning. "Ok, ok. Well let's just move on." she said. "Obviously you can throw a ball through a hoop. Lets switch places. You, in front of the hoops."
Cyrus couldn't help smiling as he saw the quaffle go through. He hoped for some sort of praise from Leah, but that didn't seem to be in the cards. He nodded at her suggestion. "Alright." He said, wondering if this meant he should be trying out for chaser. He switched places, moving in front of the hoops. He watched Leah closely, hoping to block her shot, though it seemed unlikely that he would first try.
Leah knew she wasn't a very skilled quidditch player but it did bruise her ego slightly to get show up by her younger cousin. He was a decent flyer but so was she. But did he have the reflexes to be a keeper. She tossed the quaffle a few times in her hand to get her grip secure before she made a wide loop around half the pitch, not wanting to spend the whole day flying in circles. When she finally got closer she made a few sharp turns to fake him out before throwing the quaffle as hard as she could through the center hoop.
Cyrus watched his cousin closely, hoping to block the quaffle as she threw it. She managed to distract him with her turns and unexpected movements. He almost managed to block it, but the quaffle sailed just past his fingertips into the hoop behind him. He sighed. "Good job." He said, slightly discouraged.
Leah let out a loud, and maybe over zealous cheer when her throw made it through the hoops. She knew it wasn't a great look to brag. Especially towards her little cousin who was trying his best. She was just so used to being the worst one on the pitch that it was a nice change of pace. "Thank you thank you." she said with a grin. She wasn't exactly being humble but she raced after the quaffle and grabbed hold of it again. "And don't look so glum!" she scolded. "It's not like you're a pro, relax." Leah hovered in front of him and tossed the quaffle lazily as she considered their next move. "Do you want to try again or do something else?" she asked, the bludgers still tucked away for now.
Cyrus had to struggle to keep his face impassive as Leah cheered, and he had to bite his tongue so he wouldn't point out she was four years older than him and had an advantage. He shrugged when she told him not to look glum. It was a little difficult not to, maybe he wasn't made for this after all. He hesitated at her question. "I want to try again until I block it." He admitted. "So come at me again."

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