Open Reading A Book

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah had worn the same dress as she had for the last dance, seeing absolutely no reason to change. That and she didn't have a second dress to wear. She had come to the dance, but had on this occasion brought a book. She was looking out for who was possibly her only friend in this school. Savannah wasn't sure if she was being a bit needy with him, but his note had said the same. The ravenclaw got a drink and then found a table with enough light and then opened the book. She wasn't concentrating that much on the book itself, just looking up every so often to see if she spotted him.
Leah had a great time delivering roses and was excited to see what the dance would be like this year. She doubted it would have the same variety as the theme of the Yule Ball but she was still pleased to see the flower petals and candles all round. She looked around for Anisha or Chase but she couldn't find them yet. But she did find another, not exactly welcome face. After their disastrous encounter last year Leah had avoided the other girl entirely. But it had been a year maybe they could try again. She noticed the other girl had a book with her and laughed as she approached. "Are you really reading a book at a dance?" she said with a grin. "I could dance with you if you'd like?" she offered optimistically.
Savannah had been reading mostly for a bit when she was approached, by the opposite sort of person that she wanted to be approached by. Someone who wanted her to dance, and this girl was one of the ones she was not interested in getting to know. "No, go away," she said with a sharp tone and a roll of her eyes.
Emery had been almost excited about the dance tonight. He would meet up with Savannah, which had been fun in the past. Part of him hoped Raahwiti would see them and see that Emery had made a friend of his own, that he didn't need only him. But as he spotted his friend in the great hall, he saw some girl was talking to her. s he approached, he heard her tell the other girl to go away. He smiled a bit. "You heard her." He said simply.
Leah's friendly smile faltered at Savannah's quick and blunt response. Was she still mad over an accident? But she wasn't about to give up that easily. She was determined now. "You don't have to dance." she said quickly, understanding that was the wrong way to go with this. "I could get some snacks if you want. Or drinks!" she offered and blinked with a boy joined them. "Both of you." she added, unsure who he was but didn't want to be rude if he was her friend.
Savannah wasn't sure why the girl stuck around, especially when she felt she had been pretty clear, but it was obvious that she wasn't getting it, even after Savannah's one friend had said the same thing she had. "No thank you, go away," she repeated. Not wanting this girl to stick around and spurred on by the fact Emery hadn't seemed to mind her saying it the first time.
Emery snorted at the girl's response. If anyone told him to go away he wouldn't embarrass himself by asking to stay around. He glanced at Savannah. "Is she in your year?" He said as if the girl wasn't there.
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