Reactions: Y25 Sorting and Transfers

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Sorting may be a little bit away, but there's no reason we can't get this topic going. We love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process. ^_^

Are you having a character sorted/transferred? More than one?
Where do you think they'll end up?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that?
I have absolutely no idea where Ray will end up. She's a mixture of several houses =)) I'm sure the hat will figure her out!

Rudolf's lost 10 galleons on his bets with Des so far :(
I have five sorting this year - so for, only Alkestis is sorted, and I'm very happy with Gryffindor, and not surprised. xD
Naturally, this year I want a Hufflepuff, but sure if I'll get one, but I live in hope! =))
I think I have another Gryffindor to come, a Slytherin, and a Ravenclaw. Not sure on one of them, just yet. Hopefully a Hufflepuff! xD

As for Desideratus' and Rudolf's bet, well... Des is just lucky. :teehee:
I'm not sure. Everytime I think I've made a Hufflepuff I get something else, usually a Ravenclaw and there was the time I had a Gryffindor hopefully and he ended up in Slytherin. So yeaj I'm terrible at guessing.
I thought Lilyanna would get Ravenclaw and now I have another Slytherin xD I guessed right with Eleanor though and she's a puff ^_^
I haven't had a firstie in so long, its exciting :woot: I had no real preference for Kayla but I had a feeling she would get Hufflepuff :r Gryffindor was my second choice though and obviously it suits her more xD

I haven't had a Slytherin that I've had plots for/actually RP'd in like... well, ever xD I was torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for her, but I think she'll make a great snake!
I kind of expected Eddie to get Gryffindor, I really couldn't see him anywhere else, as for Agrippina, hm, hard to tell, but I kind of see her in Hufflepuff, I guess we'll see.
I got Liam in Huffleuff. I'm so happy. As for Octavian I'm thinking Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, more likely the latter, two Hufflepuffs in one sort, I'm not that lucky.
So far, here are my thoughts:
Chacen Chevalier: I guessed right for him, but I was thinking Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, because he takes after his dad and not his mom. So I am very happy with him!
Gavin Kovac: I saw him as either Slytherin or Ravenclaw, because of his determination. Ravenclaw is a good match for him or vise versa.
Lestat Styx: I guessed Slytherin, and I was not surprised. XD He is definitely one.
Elysia Styx: Elysia wanted Slytherin, and even I did to an extent, but she seemed like a twist of Slytherin and Ravenclaw. So, I am happy with her sorting of course.
I was surprised about Agrippina at first, I thought for sure that she was a Hufflepuff, but I have to say I'm glad she's in Ravenclaw, she'd have never learned to accept peoples differences in Hufflepuff.
I was super excited for sorting as this is my first year :3
Karina ended up in Ravenclaw. I was trying for Slytherin for her but as I wrote out who she was I realized she really more suited Ravenclaw, and I was right!
As for Daniel I wasn't surprised to see him go into Hufflepuff (man that kid is loyal to the core) but I wouldn't have been surprised to see him go into Gryffindor either. Seems loyalty was the key after all! Now his uncle Vlad is really on par when he calls Daniel his 'Little Badger', ehehe. :3
I was pretty pleased where my folks got sorted, I thought that Sianna might either a ravenclaw or a slytherin, and I wanted Ares to be Hufflepuff but I wasn't sure he'd actually get it. Zared didn't really care where he ended up, he would've been happy anywhere, but I'm glad that he's a Slytherin, it suits him well I think!
Not surprised at all with Octavian. I was thinking Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Heres to causing some mischief with him.
Octavian Vetrov said:
Not surprised at all with Octavian. I was thinking Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Heres to causing some mischief with him.
:glare: I guess I know who Kingsley needs to keep her eye on. :p
I really wanted Lennon to be in Ravenclaw, but the more I filled out his application (and the longer the sorting hat took) I started thinking he might be placed in either Slytherin or Hufflepuff! xD But I was super pleased that he ended up where I wanted him to be. ^_^
I'm also really loving going back through the past sorting ceremonies. Looking at how far characters have come from when they were sorted. It's nice to see the progression and look at old characters. Plus I was able to update some bios and that's always a plus xD
No suprise here. Troy is Hufflepuff to the bone. :D
Stefan Archer said:
I'm also really loving going back through the past sorting ceremonies. Looking at how far characters have come from when they were sorted. It's nice to see the progression and look at old characters. Plus I was able to update some bios and that's always a plus xD
I just read Jeremy's sorting post, so I know what you mean. He's come such a long way!!
I'm pleased with Xavier being in Hufflepuff :D
He only really cares about being around his brothers so it's good that the hat put him with Ares xD
I am very happy with Diane's result. Even if I am disappointed in myself for caving and sorting someone originally lined up for a few years from now.
I expected Hufflepuff at first, but the more I developed Lachlan the more I saw Ravenclaw as an option. But I also saw little pieces of Slytherin and Gryffindor in him that I would have been equally elated to be able to develop in those directions.

Happy no matter what, unsurprised with the direction taken, and looking forward to the year!
Well I had literally no idea where Bryony would go, I based her off of myself quite a lot and i'm a Hufflepuff so i'm not that shocked really :p
[color=#0000]I was just hope that Runa would get accepted as a transfer, the house didn't really matter as much. I feel like she could fit in Ravenclaw pretty well though, she is rather clever.

As for Rosalina, I thought she would be a Hufflepuff honestly. But Gryffindor seems to fit her cheeky/bold personality better so it's no surprise she got sorted into that house instead. ^_^
I'm really excited about Gabriel's transfer! I was fairly certain he'd end up in Slytherin, even though I sort of hoped he might be able to bluff his way into Hufflepuff :teehee: Very happy with the result, though ^_^

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