Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y45

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (19)
Hamish hadn't been expecting this at all- to be made the new captain. He felt nervous, and spent more time than usual cleaning his glasses and making sure he had his quidditch gear on straight. He paced a little bit, making sure he had a nice speech going in his mind. Once everyone had gathered, Hamish stood up front. "Hello, everyone," He greeted, giving them his best smile. "My name is Hamish Reid, the seeker and new captain. I want us to be a solid team- we're family almost." He tried to joke, chuckling a bit. "We'll definitely see enough blood once Slytherin sets in. I should know- my twin brother is a beater and I have to practice with him all break."

Hamish took a deep breath. "Now, everyone, I want a good tryout. Give it your best. For everyone returning, just keep an eye out on the newbies, get used to being back on the brooms and with the group. Newbies, just give us the best you have. Remember, first years need permission to try out." He flipped up his broom. "Alright, to the air!" He declared, before taking off.

SeekerHamish Reid (Captain)
Beater@Monday Weeks
Beater@Michael Watson
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Rion Pendleton
Alternates3 Slots Open

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested shoot me a PM.
Savannah liked quidditch a lot, it was a good thing to do with her time. She didn't mind having to try-out if she needed to, because she understood the role of the alternates. She walked on to the pitch ready for another year of quidditch. The Ravenclaw glanced at the rest of the team, and then the captain. She liked the fact that it was Hamish, she liked the other seeker, even if he was the reasons she wasn't a full member of the team. She listened to what he said, rolling her eyes a little at the mention of the family. They were a team, not a family. Savannah was glad when she was finally able to try out. "Savannah, Seeker,"

Savannah kicked up off the ground, then began flying around the pitch looking for the snitch. She was flying better, flying quicker. She was able to spot a snitch and chased after it. Savannah didn't catch it and then continued to fly around chasing it. She got close but missed it several times. She did managed to catch it at least once while the try-out and go close every so often. Savannah then went back to the pitch and was very pleased with her try-out.
Michael still wasn't sure he actually wanted to play as a beater, but he was kind of stuck now. He didn't really like hurting people, but he did want to be part of the team. He gave Hamish a wave as he went to the pitch, broom in hand. "Hey, congrats man," he said, nodding. "Uh, well, you know me, but also I'm happy to try playing keeper if we need. Or even chaser." He took to the sky with his bat, protecting the seekers for a bit before coming back down and trying to join in with the quaffle, taking turns defending and shooting. He had started as an alternate chaser originally, and he had looked up to Sawyer when he started and Crystal more recently, both of whom had been keeper, so he spent a bit more time in front of the hoops to try and defend shots on goal. It wasn't easy, but he did manage to block a few, especially after de-rusting. He certainly liked that side of it a bit more, but he also acknowledged that it was possibly a bit frustrating to want to change positions. Still, he was fairly flexible.
Audrey had a lot of baggage when it came to Quidditch, but it wasn't going to stop her from trying out anyway. For one, her dad would disown her if she didn't, but for another, despite everything she really did enjoy it. Especially at Hogwarts, where she had a bit more freedom with it. She had her good beater's bat and her garish practice one on hand with her broom, and grinned at the new captain. She hoped he wouldn't hold it against her if (or when) she hit him with bludgers. "Audrey Beauchamp," she said, when her turn came up. "Beater." She'd been on the team last year, even though it was only an alternate, but she had absolutely no intention of not at least retaining her alternate spot.

Audrey took to the skies with everyone else, setting about finding bludgers to hit. It was liberating, flying without having orders barked at her the whole time, but that didn't mean she was going to slack off. She immediately set about aiming bludgers at other players, especially those trying out for seeker, even though she didn't always hit (and most of her better shots were blocked. But, she figured she should also show she could be defensive, and then made a point of flying near Hamish and swatting a few errant bludgers away from him. She took at least one shot on her arm, but figured that was her own fault for not being in full hardcore practice mode and more having fun with it. She finished the tryouts sore but feeling like she had made a pretty good showing. Not perfect, but certainly enough to remind the older students that she knew what she was doing.
Monday Weeks was honestly glad that he was back in school, and now it was time for try outs. He walked down to the pitch with his broom over his shoulder since he needed to be there to keep his spot. He listened to Hamish talk about what they should do, so Monday mounted his broom and went up to protect the ones that were new, or hit some to at them to make it a bit spicy.
Lucy decided to try out for quidditch on a whim - it could be fun, after all, and it was good to try new things. She wasn't one of those people who were obsessed with quidditch but she enjoyed playing enough to warrant at least giving it a go. "Lucy Montague," she said to introduce herself. "Trying out for chaser." She took to the skies, taking in hand a quaffle and showing off her speed with it, dodging amongst others. Lucy managed to shoot it through the hoops a few times, but missed a couple of times as well. Each time she threw the quaffle, she dived back down to grab it once it passed the goal posts, skillfully maneuvering through the air. She felt pretty pleased with herself, enjoying the wind-swept feeling from flying as she finished her tryout. If she didn't make it in, at least she had fun, Lucy thought.
Rory was looking forward to another season of Quidditch, he made his way out onto the pitch with his broom in hand ready to pitch in if needed with the tryouts. He went and stood with his teammates and waited for the tryouts to begin.
Zacharias had always been interested in Quidditch growing up, even more so after his parents had decided that they were so against him wanting to play it. Not that his passion for the sport was only an act of spite, but it definitely was a contributing factor to him finding himself on the Quidditch Pitch today. He knew that first years rarely found themselves on their house Quidditch team but it didn't mean that he wasn't going to give it his best shot. Before mounting his broom he introduced himself and stated that he'd like to try out for a position as a Chaser. He'd always liked the work of the Chaser - even though the Seeker was arguably the most important position on the team he still loved that of the Chaser.

When prompted, he kicked off from the ground and did a few test manoeuvres to make sure that everything was alright on his end before grabbing the Quaffle and going for gold. He hadn't had any practice on a proper Quidditch field but he still did reasonably well, managing to score 4/5 of his attempts. He landed, and made sure that he wouldn't be needed any further before he headed off to the common room where he would probably just relax in front of the fire for the rest of the night.
Lucy had been waiting for today ever since she learned what Quidditch was. The thrill of being in the air was too big a draw to resist, and she had been practicing at home on her toy broom for ages, anticipating her tryouts. She did wish she had been able to practice with her cousin first, but she didn't really know Grace all that well, and it would feel a little like cheating to ask for private lessons with the flying teacher.

So, all she had was her own practice and her own dreams as she made her way to the pitch, grinning from ear to ear as she joined the other team hopefuls. Quidditch wasn't just fun - it was something that could be hers. As much as she loved her family, Lucy was tired of living in the shadow of four successful sisters. None of them had ever played Quidditch before, and this was going to be her legacy. She listened to the captain speak as the tryout began, giggling a little nervously at his comment. If he had a beater at home, she was only going to be under stronger scrutiny.

"Lucy Holland, trying out for Beater!" She said enthusiastically when her turn came, before kicking off on her new broom and taking to the skies, bat in hand. It felt different, not having the restrictions of a dinky little toy broom, and she wobbled a little as she got used to the freedom of real flying. She caught herself quickly though and shot towards a nearby bludger eagerly. The speed shocked her and Lucy almost missed, swinging ferociously as she got near. Her bat collided and sent the bludger spinning away from her, but also nowhere near her target. Righting herself quickly, Lucy pulled herself together and shot after the ball again, hoping to put in a better showing. This time she got her angles right and swung hard, squealing in delight as the ball flew clean and easy towards her target. As she got a handle on her broom it only got easier and easier, and by the end of the tryout she was happy with the performance she had given.

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