Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y48/S1

Lucy Holland

wild child🐥cheerful chook beater & co-captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2049 (14)
Lucy was buzzing with excitement as she waited on the pitch, all set up for the Quidditch team's first practice of the year. The captain's pin on her robes still felt a little surreal, and she was determined to give her absolute best this year, to prove that Michael hadn't been wrong to trust her with such a big responsibility. She was glad to be paired up with her favourite teammate, the other Lucy right by her side as the rest of the team joined them on the pitch.

Once everyone was assembled Lucy cleared her throat for attention, grinning brightly. "Hi everyone! Thanks for joining the team this year! For everyone who's new, we're both Lucy, and we're your captains this year. We were really impressed with how well everyone flew in tryouts, and I reckon we've got a really good shot to win the cup this year! No matter what though, we're all gonna have fun and do our best." She grinned brightly, bouncing a little on her toes. "We'll start off with just a little practice match nice and friendly. Violet will be guarding one set of hoops, so chasers fly a lap before trying to score. Anything else?" She glanced at her co-captain, giving Lucy a chance to speak before she continued. "Alright, let's go for it!" She grinned, heart racing with excitement as she blew the whistle, starting the practice.
Lucy was a tad bit nervous to be standing on the pitch, but she was glad she had Lucy by her side. Together they made a good team - and together with the rest of the team an even better one! Lucy nodded, then when it was her turn to speak, spoke up. "Yep! Well done everyone again, we've got a lot of work to do to get that cup but we can do it! Chasers, get those quaffles and shoot like crazy! Beaters, don't hold back! Seekers, keepers - you know what to do! Let's get to it!" Lucy looked back to the other Lucy and the whistle blew, signalling the start of practice.
Audrey had a lot of stress to get out, so she was looking forward to Quidditch training. It felt a bit weird to be deferring to the two Lucys, but she found she didn't mind as much as she thought she would. Audrey just wanted to get up there and hit bludgers, and once they were permitted to she got straight up in the sky to try and hit things.
Lucy spiralled into the air with a joyful whoop as the practice began, bat clutched tight in her hand as she oriented herself and headed right towards a bludger.
Audrey scanned the sky for bludgers, doing a few warm-up swings as she flew.
Theo was excited to be part of the team, even if it was just as an alternate! He was absolutely pumped! The boy listened carefully to what the captains had to say, and it wasn't long before the whistle had been blown, and they were off! Theo mounted onto his broom and took to the skies, managing to get the quaffle, doing a lap as he made his way to the hoops.
Audrey wasn't having much luck getting bat on bludger yet.
Sweeping towards a bludger Lucy swung, groaning when she watched the ball fly wide of her teammates. Would have been nice to start the year off with a good hearty hit, but she didn't let it get her down.
Audrey's mind was elsewhere, and she needed it to be in the game.
When Theo was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, cheering as he watched it sail right through the hoop!
Chasing after the bludger she had wiffed, Lucy swung easily, aiming towards her co-beater. She was dismayed to not only miss her target, but instead strike the youngest member of the team, wincing at the realisation. "SORRY!" She called out, flying a little closer to make sure Theodore was okay.
@Theodore Harper
As Theo waited for one of the other chasers to get a hold of the quaffle, Theo suddenly got hit on his side by a bludger and winced a little. Theo knew this was going to happen one way or another throughout playing quidditch. "All good!" Theo calls out with a thumbs up.
Audrey was thinking about her research project while she couldn't find bludgers.
Lucy was relieved to see that Theodore was okay, giving him a thumbs up back before returning to her own task. It was a jarring realisation - he felt so small, and it hit (ha) her for the first time that she was only going to get bigger while new players got smaller, and it wouldn't be long before she was.... beating up kids, essentially. She needed to get okay with that.
Audrey was well and truly okay with hitting kids with bludgers, as she aimed one at Savannah and just stared nonchalantly as the older girl avoided it and it instead collided with @Lilith Ilves . Welcome to the team, she thought, giving a cursory glance over.
Lilith got to the pitch, feeling nervous but excited to be a part of the team. She listened to what the Lucy's had to say before nodding silently in understanding and then getting onto her broom and shooting for the skies in search for any glimpse of the snitch.
Glancing over, Lucy winced a little at seeing another of the team's youngest members take a hit. They needed to be prepared for real games, she supposed, but it still felt a bit mean. She kept an eye on Lilith, making sure the younger girl was okay after being hit.
Audrey flew off in search of more bludgers to hit.
As soon as Lilith had gotten to the sky she took a hit, wincing a little but continuing on her mission.

OOCOut of Character:
Oopsie I was too focused on what to do that I missed the tag :r
Pleased to see Lilith doing alright, Lucy flew wide around the pitch, heading for a far-off bludger hoping to get a good strike on one of her teammates.
Savannah did not catch the snitch immediately, much to her disappointment.
Magne rose on the broom a little unsteady and shot off, heading towards the hoops behind the other chaser. He then caught the ball as it was tossed back out.
Lilith was looking for the snitch with no success.
This time, Audrey's aim was more successful and she hit a bludger directly at @Savannah Walters . Probably a bit awkward since they were patrol partners now, but that was just Quidditch for you.
Lilith did not see the snitch anywhere.

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