Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 7th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
Michael was still a little disappointed about how their game against Slytherin had gone. Of course, he was happy to progress to the house cup match against Gryffindor, it just felt a little hollow. He was, however, very much convinced Ravenclaw would have won regardless, and now he just had to make sure they proved it to the rest of the school. He was really proud of the team, he knew he'd be happy with them no matter what happened against Gryffindor. But he wanted them to try their hardest to win.

"Alright everyone, the match against Gryffindor's coming up soon," he started, once the team were all geared up and ready for today's practice. "They're probably going to underestimate us, but we can use that to our advantage. Let's just make the most of this practice game time, if there's anything specific we need to work on we'll make sure to spend a bit more time on it before the game." It would probably be accuracy, if anything, but beaters didn't exactly have the easiest tools to work with for accuracy - he knew as much from experience in this case. "Any problems up there, yell out. Kharon, take the far hoop," he said, pointing - it had less glare right now, and he wanted the first year to get practice without the additional challenge for now. "Let's get to it!"

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, just get straight to practice!
Lucy had been sad not to get to play in her first proper match last semester, but at least they were going to be playing in the finals this year. She was more determined than ever to do her best in practice, so she'd be ready to show Gryffindor what they could do. She listened as Michael started the practice before kicking off with the rest of the team, flying for the nearest bludger straight away. She swung hard and connected with a sharp crack, both proud and feeling a little bad as she watched it soar across the pitch and smack directly into the captain. Well, that was a good way to start.
@Michael Watson

Bludger Hits said:
Michael Watson x1
Audrey was feeling a bit odd about Quidditch, but she was still looking forward to playing against Gryffindor. She wanted to play against Teddy, and she really wanted Ravenclaw to beat Gryffindor to prove a point. She saw Lucy hit a bludger at the captain right away, and she was determined to start well too, hitting a bludger coming towards her directly to @Savannah Walters .

Bludger Hits said:
Michael Watson x1
Savannah Walters x1
Ambrose jumped on his broom and grabbed a hold of the quaffle.
Still brimming with joy at having gotten a hit in early, Lucy circled the pitch, eager to get another hit and keep up the streak.
Ambrose headed for the hoops and took his shot but missed.
Savannah had barely been on the pitch a second when she got hit with the bludger. She groaned and just continued to look for the snitch.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle, readying to take a shot.
Lucy circled in on one of the bludgers, but when she swung the ball went wide of any of her teammates.
Michael had barely even made it to the hoops before he was hit by a bludger. It was never a pleasant feeling, but he couldn't fault Lucy. "Oof, good one!" he called, settling into position.
Audrey looked around for a bludger to hit, hoping she could pick it up a bit today.
Lucy grinned at the praise from the captain, gripping her bat tightly as she circled the pitch.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy caught up on another bludger and swung, but her bat flew wide entirely and she groaned as the ball zipped away from her.
Lucy took her time, eventually going in for the shot but ultimately failing.
Michael sent the quaffle back out into play, giving Lucy a small hopefully reassuring smile.
Audrey sent a bludger flying, but if it was aimed at anyone it certainly did not hit them.
Audrey went searching for another bludger.
Audrey wondered if that first hit was a fluke.
Rory grabbed the quaffle when it was thrown into play and headed straight for the hoops to take a shot. It went right through.
Lucy circled around and caught up to another bludger, striking hard, but it flew right past Savannah and she quickly said her favourite word she'd learned off Diana under her breath.
Lucy fetched the quaffle and got ready to take another shot, determination in her eyes.
Savannah did not catch snitch.
Lucy pulled her broom around, hoping to get another good swing in as soon as possible.
Michael kept an eye on proceedings.

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