Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

Theo got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play. Theo then circled around the pitch, heading towards the goals
Lucy flew towards a bludger, gritting her teeth as she swung, and she groaned as the ball just barely flew past Lilith, missing the younger girl entirely.
When Theo was close to the goal, he had missed... yet again...
Lucy flew on, circling around to try and get a good angle on another bludger.
Lilith was minding her own business failing at catching the snitch when she saw a bludger flying at her and then going just slightly off course missing her. "Maybe next time!" She yelled at one of her captains before continuing her task.
Magdalene went after the bludger, narrowly missing as she attempted to take a swing.
Lilith was almost bored enough to fall asleep and dream up catching the snitch, but she kept looking wide awake.
Maggie took a moment to rest, trying to gauge what the best way forward was for successfully hitting a bludger.
At least Lilith had made some catches before because this was just getting sad now.
Lucy chuckled at Lilith's remark and quickly caught up on another bludger, firing it at the younger girl and groaning softly when it whizzed right past her again.
As there was another bludger shooting at her and then missing Lilith looked back at the same Lucy and shrugged. "Third time's a cha-" She yelled when her eyes caught a glimpse of gold. Her whole body going into autopilot and flying towards it, all else long forgotten as she leaned to catch it and successfully did. She was very pleased that her streak of failure had come to an end.
"Go Lilith!" Lucy called out, as she retrieved the quaffle.
Lilith smiled at the Lucy that had not tried to smack her with a bludger twice in a row without success and then let go of the snitch before continuing the search.
Even if she was off her own game, Lucy was pleased that their newest seeker was on hers. "Ka pai!*" She called out, giving Lilith a thumbs up in support.

*Ka pai - well done (common knowledge)
Audrey let out a groan of discomfort, and didn't even manage to send the bludger into anyone else for her trouble.
Lucy was determined to pull herself back together, quickly chasing after the bludger Audrey had hit and redirecting it towards Lilith - maybe third time would be the charm. She missed the younger Seeker again, but was pleasantly surprised to strike the older one instead.
@Savannah Walters

Bludger Hits
Magne Kleos - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Lilith Ilves - 1
Theodore Harper - 1
Lucy Montague - 1
Magdalene Grey - 1
Audrey Beauchamp -1
Savannah Walters - 1
The quaffle flew through the hoops, marking a score.
Lilith kept looking for the snitch when she saw the bludger hit the older seeker, oh well at least it wasn’t her getting smacked.
Lilith had began to love quidditch in the short time she had been playing in the team. As she flew around looking for the snitch and her eyes landed on it she went after the golden ball and caught it.
Lilith let go and went back to searching. :teehee:
Lilith was dedicated to use her practice time well, even if it meant she failed to catch the snitch multiple times.
Lucy cheered for Lilith again before fetching the quaffle, seeing as no one was going for it, and prepared for a shot.
Nope, hopefully Lucy would score with the quaffle though.
Lucy got it through the hoop, feeling pleased with herself.

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