Rate the Sig

Can I rate my own? In any case,

This banner took forever to get right. I always forget that there is a ravenclaw crest in it. The only thing that bothers me is the text, it looks odd. In any case, I am a fan of my own work.
The font used annoys me a little, and the text is a bit too small, but other than that it's lovely! ♥

I really love this banner, it's nice colouring, fancy pretty looking text, simplistic nature. Amazing.

The texts a bit small and seems a bit... Squashed in? But I :wub: the colouring and simplicity. It's prettyful :r
It is pretty and simple but it seems to just lack a something to give it a nine or ten
I think it's pretty cool, and I love the facials, the cutting just doesn't look right. :unsure:
one of my own. but i am not so sure about the colouring on it. it makes her look to young.
8/10. Its nice. I like the golden shades and the way it looks like wings coming from her. Don't like the photo much plus a border would look good. I like the one in the spoiler more ;)

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