Rate the avi


Mew is in it. Automatic 10. I :wub: Mew.

((Note to below poster: I have limited fonts, effects, and the sort, will try to take advice, but I might not be able to do what you say would look better. *sigh* I need my dad to let me download stuff that would help. Will try to convince him when he gets home.))


I really love the simplicity of the avi. The picture is super cute and the pink writing in the font just fits. I would just suggest that you make the writing a tiny bit smaller for more of the image. But really I :wub: this avi, so Hils.
He's cute but I kinda wanna see more of his face and color lots of color XD jk I really like it.

It's a funny avi, but a little blurred and not really green enough for slytherin xD
Other than that, it's very funny and good :p


I love this, it never fails to make me laugh.
9 / 10
it is soft and sweet and subtlety beautiful

* so had to laugh at the comment on Nick's most awesome avi xD
* Dean Winchester is fictional?? :o when did that happen? xD
8 / 10

awww so cute
totally ^_^
simple and nice
7 / 10

found I was tilting myself to the side in order to make him out at all. A lot of blank space in there as well. Tis good otherwise ;)

Love the way it looks like it is 3D, but again, I prefer square avi's rather than long ones :)


I like it, the picture and effects are good. It all fits together, making it very pretty.
10/10. I like the animation.

It's really pretty, but the face looks a little washed out right in the middle (though I'm pretty sure that's because of where the flash hit the cheek). Other than that I think it's really pretty :D


I like this Avatar. Always makes me smile. Tis Awesome.


I simply adore it. It's So Pat, suits her so much.

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