Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Ilvermorny: 50 || Beauxbatons: 210
Each quidditch pitch, and school, had its own beauty and Reeve was luxky enough to be able to see a great deal of them annually. Reeve made his way from the shed to the center of the pitch, moving about comfortably as he worked to set up the pitch. Reeve was excited for the game. He enjoyed getting the chance to watch the games from this angle, and he couldn't wait to see how it all unfolded today. The sun was bright in the sky but there was some cloud coverage that would help the seekers a bit. It really was a wonderful day for quidditch.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only.
Captains: Please double check the QCP before posting your lineups here.
Despite her best efforts, Juneau was not doing a very good job of trying not to let her terrible performance in training get to her. This was her first real match and she didn't want to fail again, this time in front of so many people. She took a deep breath and focused on what she could control in that moment which right now was walking over to the team and listening to what the captain had to say. She hoped they would say something that would give her confidence before the game.
Kit was pretty nervous for her first game as captain, but she took a deep breath as she stood in front of her team and gave them an encouraging smile. "Alright, everyone, we've got this! Help each other when you can, and I know we can win this!" Kit hoped everyone was as confident as she was trying to be.

BeaterLarissa Baros
BeaterMason Phillips
Chaser & CaptainKathryne "Kit" Andrews
ChaserHadrian Murphy
ChaserMelrose Miller
KeeperSummer Halliwell
SeekerMarch Chase
Alt BeaterMinerva Vetrova
Alt SeekerMarcellus Vetrov
Minerva knew she wouldn't play in her first game on the Ilvermorny team but she still felt good to be involved. She'd never had much luck for Gryffindor at Hogwarts so she was feeling a lot better now she was at Ilvermorny. She made her way out onto the pitch and waited with her team for the game to start, ready to take her spot on the bench and cheer them on.
Celestine had not had as much time to dedicate to her own practice as she would have liked, but her singing came first. The team was strong, however, and more importantly she hoped they would have a lot of fun. It would be nice if they could win but as long as they tried their best and had a good time Celestine would be happy. It would be nice, too, if they could actually get to talk to the Ilvermorny players properly but sadly they didn't have as much time as they would like for that. Celestine supposed they couldn't have everything.

"Okay, everyone! Let us do our best and have a good time! I hope we can learn some things from the Americans," Celestine said, enthusiastically, before remembering she had to try and encourage them to be more competitive. "While we win, of course!"

Seeker@Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet
BeaterCelestine Gauthier (c)
Beater@Tullia Whitlock
ChaserJuneau Delarue
Chaser@Light Zhefarovich (c)
Chaser@Enzo Walden
Keeper@Elsie Dupont
AlternatesNiniane Archambeau, Viviane Mayleen Blanchard
Hadrian was nervous as he lined up with the others, but when was he not? He swallowed as he looked between Kit and the Beauxbatons players, mostly just relieved this was an away game.
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod and then reviewed the cards they'd handed over. It all looked correct, so he placed them into his pocket and cast the Sonorous charm on himself. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the North hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the South." Reeve indicated that both teams should head into the sky.

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch, thankfully without incident. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher, the quaffle tucked under his arm. The man tossed the quaffle up into the air. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes - please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
7. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Juneau bottled her anxiety, jumping onto her broom and taking early possession of the quaffle. She started making her way towards the hoops.
Kit took a breath nervously as she played her first game, following the Beauxbatons chaser closely.
Kit grinned as she took possession of the quaffle and headed towards the hoops.
Tullia failed to hit a bludger.
Kit took a chance and sailed the quaffle through easily, smiling as she watched the scoreboard turn in their favor.
Juneau was disappointed when Ilvermorny scored. Hoping to equalise, she took possession of the quaffle when it was thrown out and headed back towards the the opposing hoops.
Celestine looked around for bludgers to hit.
Juneau was determined approaching the hoops and grinned when she threw the quaffle and watched it sail cleanly through the left hoop.
Kit frowned when Beauxbatons managed to score but caught the quaffle when it was tossed back out and headed towards their hoops, hoping to score again.
Summer was disappointed when Beauxbaton had managed to score early, she grabbed the quaffle and threw it back into play.
Kirby kicked off into the air and headed for the snitch, but she hadn't seen it yet.
Kit successfully scored.
Enzo grabbed the quaffle when it was thrown back into play after the Ilvermorny chaser scored and began making his own way towards the hoops.
Kirby noticed Enzo looked for the quaffle, but focused most of her attention on the snitch, they were already doing alright, they just needed her to find the silly thing.
Enzo got closer to the hoops and threw the quaffle cheering when he managed to score.
Summer was disappointed when another Beauxbaton chaser managed to score. She growled as she picked up the quaffle and threw it back into play.
Larissa hunted for a bludger.

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