Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Reeve was thrilled to be back at Hogwarts New Zealand to referee for another quidditch season. The pitch was ready in no time, so Reeve mounted his broom and began to fly around as the stands filled.

It was a beautiful day, fluffy clouds moving across the sky and the sun shining brightly. The small wind kept the feel of the air comfortable, for him anyway. Reeve greeted the captains as they gathered and then spent a few moments going over the rules with them ahead of the season's start.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. I encourage all players to use the time before the game begins to refresh your memory of the rules and gameplay.
Captains: Please make sure your teams are set in the QCP prior to posting your lineup.
Callie was so very ready for this game. She got to the pitch and took her spot with the rest of the hufflepuff team. She'd done well in the practice and was hoping for more success here. Blocking goals didn't do much to help them win, but it would still feel good.
Fraser really wanted to win. God, so badly did he want the Gryffindor team to have a victory. There was little more he wanted. Playing good and doing well would be nice. They'd bring back house points and that would help them in getting the house cup. But mostly, he just thought it would be so fun to have a win. Fraser was ready and he glanced at the captain.
Jonah was currently so nervous he thinks he would puke. He was only the alternate chaser, and he thinks it's unlikely he'll be playing but still. He didn't think that it was this nerve-wracking to be part of a game instead of just family Quidditch. He was gripping his broom tightly as he stood with the rest of the team, sort of tempted to hide behind his older teammates. Especially the girls. The girls were scary.
Ivy had hardly slept last night. she had been so excited and so nervous. She had made the team and had done well at training. but it was the first game that really showed her how she was going to do. She had her broom clutched tight in her hands as she made her way onto the pitch to the Gryffindor bench. She smiled and nodded a goodmorning at Fraiser who was already there glad that she would be playing alongside him. he was nice, a good player and she got the impression he would look out for her. she took a seat and a sip out of her water as she waited for the rest of the team to arrive and the game to start.
Rāwhiti's mind was all over the place, more than he ever thought it had been before. It was the first match of his final year, and so much rode on this. Without a win today it was guaranteed that he'd be walking away from school without ever having won the cup, and leaving his team in disgrace. He wasn't going to let that happen. Practice had been awful, but it was only practice, he kept telling himself. He had been saving up all his good luck for the real thing. That was... how it worked, right? He had to say yes.

After handing in the lineup Rāwhiti gestured his team in. "Haere mai team, huddle up!" He called out, gesturing the Gryffindors into a circle. "Alright, this is it. Just because it's not the final doesn't mean this match isn't important. If we're not top of our game and then some today, we can forget about the cup. That's not an option. I want everyone giving more than their best. I want you to push past the limits of what you always thought you could do. I want to see blood, sweat, and tears on that pitch. Beaters, I want you to focus all your attention on their seeker, show her no mercy." He said firmly. "Chasers, aim sharp and look for any chances you can to steal. Teddy, guard those hoops like your life depends on it." Rāwhiti looked at the faces around him, looking to see his own determination echoed back. "Gryffindor will win this one. There's no other option. So get out there and play like your lives depend on it."

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
Beater@Santiago Torres
Beater@Miro Morales-Albertson
Chaser@Joshua Lynch
Chaser@Fraser Fergusson
Chaser@Ivy Cullen
Keeper@Teddy Pirrip
Alt. Seeker@Milo Frogg
Alt. Chaser@Alicia Richelieu
Alt. Chaser@Veronica Walden-Cade
Teddy arrived on the Quidditch pitch with his new Turbo XXX broomstick slung over one shoulder. He looked up to the sky, admiring the ideal flying conditions before he joined the Gryffindor huddle for Rāwhiti's game talk. He could see how important this was to their captain, this being his final year to take home the cup. He gave a firm nod at the instructions to defend the hoops like his life depended on it.

As Rāwhiti's speech came to an end, Teddy clapped his teammates on the shoulders as they broke the huddle. Teddy prepared then for the match to start.
Oz's face was probably green against his reddish hair, neither of which went well with his yellow Quidditch robes. He wasn't quite sure who was having a worse time of it with him in the team, him for how average he was or the rest of the team for being stuck with him. But, he was here, he'd go out and do his best. He just suspected that when it came to Quidditch, his best was barely passable.
Penelope was determined to do well today. She knew Raawhiti was also a good seeker, but so was she. She would find the snitch first, she had to. She tied her hair up in a little bun and waited for Chase to speak.
Sofi felt a mix of excitement and nerves as she stepped onto the Quidditch pitch. Being an alt eased some of the pressure, allowing her to join the other Hufflepuffs with a bit more ease. She waited for the captain to speak and confirm the lineup though she expected to be watching from the bench.
It was insulting that Veronica was spending her first game of the season and a second year was the new starting chaser. She scowled as the captain went through his pre game speech, what would he know about success? He was a useless captain and clearly had no idea how to put together a team. Once the team had been confirmed Veronica took her place on the bench.
Santiago wasn't exactly nervous for the game. But he found himself caring about the outcome more than he expected. So, maybe he was a little nervous. Practice hadn't gone as well as he hoped but maybe things would be different during an actual game. He huddled up with the rest of the team and half listed to Rāwhiti's speech. He raised an eyebrow at 'no mercy' but hopefully he could follow through.
Bailey made her way out onto the pitch with her teammates, she knew she wasn't going to play baring one too many bludgers to Penelope, but she was still excited to play her part and cheer on her team. She stood with her teammates and waited for the captain to give their opening speech and confirm the team.
Miro was excited to play in his first quidditch game of the year, and hoped he would be able to keep up with the rest of the team. This would be his first time playing as a starting beater and he wanted to make it count and make his effort in practices worth it. Miro listened to Rāwhiti's speech and nodded along, eager to get the game started so he could play his best and help Gryffindor win.​
Alicia couldn't help it, she felt sad. There was a game to be played and she almost definitely wouldn't play in it. She was just itching to get into the air and play. She knew Veronica was likely feeling the same way and she gave the girl a rueful smile as she joined her on the bench. For the first time, Alicia kind of regretted transferring.
Milo was glad to see Raawhiti was clearly taking today's match seriously, perhaps too seriously, and he hoped their captain wasn't about to cave under the pressure. He did his best to split his focus during Raawhiti's speech between listening and trying to beam the idea of subbing Milo in directly into Raawhiti's brain. It didn' seem like it'd worked yet, but there was still a whole game left for Raawhiti to see some sense and finally put him in.
Joshua was prepared and ready for the game. It was his last quidditch season and Josh knew he had to do the best he could. He listened carefully to what Raawhiti was saying, nodding along, understanding what their team captain was saying and was going to give his all. He was ready.
Marley was pumped and prepared for this game. She practised as much as she could, even though her bludger hits weren't the greatest in their recent practice, she knew she had to try her best. Marley was ready. Marley waited with the rest of her teammates as she waited for their captain to say something.
It wasn’t long before the rest of the team was there and Ivy listened as Rāwhiti gave them the pre game speech. It was a lot of pressure to win. But she knew as well as the next person as seeker most of that pressure would be on the captain himself. She turned to put her water bottle down and couldn’t help but feel the looks from the other chaser girls. She subconsciously scuttled a little closer to Fraser. She had been going to play her best in order to help the team win. But now she knew she had to play her best to proved to her team mates that she deserved her spot.
She took a final mouthful of water and put her water bottle down as they readied to play. she knew she would not pick it up again until after the match even if they did get a time out because judging by the amount of shade she had been getting from the moment the team has been posted she wouldn’t put it past Veronica to slip some puking potion or diarrhoea draft into it to both embarrass her and make her have to sub out.
Chase didn't feel fully prepared for today's game, everything that had happened last year still a little stuck in his head. He was determined to do well though and had no doubt his team felt the same. They had been putting in the effort and he truly wanted them to be able to celebrate a victory. If only to raise everyone's spirits. "Alright guys, first game of the year!" He tried to address his team with as much excitement as he could muster. "You guys worked hard and I know we can do this. Just give it your all, treat it like for now this is the most important thing in the world. I, uhm, I'm proud of you. Let'go." Chase finished with a nod. He should really work on his speeches. Perhaps Leah could help.

SeekerPenelope Marshall
Beater + CaptainChase Campbell
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee
ChaserOswald Brambleheart
ChaserArtemis Vasilakis
ChaserDominic Owens-Lee
KeeperCallie Cardoso
AlternatesBailey Walden-Cade, Sofi Ayre & Jonah Edogawa
Dominic was very excited for the first game of the year. He gathered around with his team mates as the captain spoke. It was all very nice and encouraging and Dominic was happy for this. He then waited for the match to begin.
Reeve didn't note any issues on the lineup cards he received, so he pocketed the pieces of parchment and moved forward with preparations. The referee placed the appropriate charm on himself and addressed the crowd and teams. "Welcome to the start of the season. Today, Gryffindor will be defending the North hoops and Hufflepuff, the South hoops. Teams, please keep the game fair. Let's get into the air!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers, a tense moment when they headed for the benches though thankfully they turned and flew into the air quickly. He then released the snitch. The ref grabbed the quaffle and headed for his broom. A moment later he was in the air, tossing the quaffle up with a "Game on!" The season was underway.

OOCOut of Character: Out of Character: Game Notes- please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.

6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Rāwhiti kicked off with the whistle and shot into the air, heart racing in his chest. Everything was riding on today, and he knew he couldn't let his team down.
Heart in his throat, Oz flew straight up and took up the quaffle as the game got started, desperately hoping to make a good start for Hufflepuff.
Penelope shot to the air and decided to start off by following the Gryffindor seeker.

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