Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Gryffindor, BeauxbatonsThe final game of the season was here! Reeve already had spoken with each team to review the rules, and he was now on the pitch making final preparations for the upcoming game. The stands were full, a loud hum filling the air as spectators got ready to cheer for the game. The sun was shining bright, not a cloud in the sky. It was a wonderful day for what Reeve was sure would be a fun game.

OOCOut of Character:

Arrivals only please.
Beauxbatons players: Any issues with posting, please PM me and add your captain to the PM.
Captains: Please be sure your lineups are all set up in the QCP prior to posting it in here!
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Veronica had enjoyed playing in the previous game even though it had been as beater. She doubted it would happen again, but she couldn't ignore the fact they'd won the game with her playing and were now in the international game to determine the best team...in the world? Seemed a bit dramatic since it could only be between three possible schools. She ignored the odd thoughts in her head and walked out onto the pitch to await whatever stupid decision Teddy would make next.
Ivy couldnt believe that they had won the school championship and were now about to play quidditch against beauxbattons. She hoped that it would be a good game. and maybe, just maybe, she would get some points for Gryffindor. She walked across the pitch to the benches, broom in one hand and water bottle in the other. she would definitely be listening to the captains today, as well as Alicia today, as her fellow chaser had played for Beaux before and may have some tips on how to get around the Beauxbattons defence.
Teddy was pumped for the next match. Gryffindor had already won the championship and this was a bonus opportunity to become school champions. The nerves were pure adrenaline. He gathered his team and stood alongside Fraser. "Hey guys, we've mixed the team up a little again. Rose, you're playing beater in this match." Teddy glanced at Veronica before running through the rest of the lineup with the team. He knew she'd be annoyed with him but that was no different to any other day.

Teddy PirripCo-Captain & Keeper
@Fraser FergussonCo-Captain & Chaser
@Ivy CullenChaser
@Alicia RichelieuChaser
@Santiago TorresBeater
@Rose EdogawaBeater
@Aroha BlenheimSeeker
@Veronica Walden-CadeAlternate
@Milo FroggAlternate
@Miro Morales-AlbertsonAlternate
Fraser was still riding the high of their last win, and was exceedingly eager for this game. he was on the pitch and nodded to what Teddy said, he was glancing towards the other team and nodded, just ready to get started.
Rose wasn't a beater, she was a keeper, she wasn't her mum, but it was better than nothing she supposed. She nodded to Teddy, grabbing a bat and swinging it to see how she felt.
Celestine hummed La Marseillaise to herself as she checked over the team sheet one more time. It would be fun, she thought, to sing the anthem for a big national world cup game. And funny to then take the field right after being called on to sing the national anthem. She suspected that hadn't been done before. But maybe one day she'd get to do the singing part without playing in a future world cup. She couldn't get too carried away thinking about that as they did have a game to play, though Celestine was mostly here to have fun. It was always exciting to see the other school teams and travel to different places.

She handed over the team sheet and returned to the group with a smile. "Allons-y, mes amies!" she exclaimed, bat in one hand, broom in the other. "Let us give them a show!" Of course, Celestine would have liked to win, and she knew their team was very good and that Kirby especially was a talented seeker. But as long as they had fun and had a good and exciting game, she didn't mind the outcome so much.

@Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet Seeker
@Tullia Whitlock Beater
Celestine GauthierBeater (c)
@Light Zhefarovich Chaser (c)
@Enzo Walden Chaser
@Juneau Delarue Chaser
@Elsie Dupont Keeper
Niniane Archambeau, @Viviane Mayleen Blanchard Alternates
Nina's last game appeared that it would end not with a bang, but a whimper as she most likely wouldn't even get to take the field. Oh well, she thought, glumly. Why would anything go right? Her robes felt too constricting but it didn't matter, she took a seat on the bench and pondered the possibility of just staying here after the game ended and refusing to go back to Beauxbatons. Couldn't do any more harm at this point to try.
Aroha stepped onto the pitch, a little surprised she'd be playing seeker, but a little not surprised. She had caught the snitch last game after all, maybe Teddy and Fraser were counting on a second round of that. Aroha felt the pressure but she felt the determination to succeed as well as she stood, ready for the game.
Tullia was very excited to it get to play, and at Hogwarts. It was cool, not the school she had thought she'd ever spend time at, but she liked being there nonetheless. She had her broom in hand and nodded to what the captain said.
Elsie was defiantly excited to play. The girl hadn’t really been out of France before, so this had been exciting for the young French girl. The girl joined the rest of the team mates, as she listened to her captain talk to them and prepare them for the game.
It was exciting coming to New Zealand for the first time to play Quidditch. Juneau joined her team before the whistle but really she just wanted to get out on her broom and start playing.
Kirby couldn't wait to catch the snitch again and prove why Beauxbatons was superior!
Veronica kept a tight lip as Teddy announced the team and that Rose would be playing beater and she would be remaining on the bench. There was a time and place to give him a piece of her mind. This wasn't it.
Enzo waited on the pitch for the game to start. He looked forward to putting the smug Hogwarts team in its place.
Reeve reviewed the line up cards, confirmed they were in compliance, and then sent the captains back to their teams. The looked up and addressed the crowd, "Today is the final match of the season! Gryffindor, you will be keeping the northern hoops and Beauxbatons, the southern ones. Let's get into the air!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers and the snitch. The bludgers were feisty today and the ref had to bat them up and into the air. The ref finally was able to grab his broom, quaffle in tow. A moment later he was in the air, tossing the quaffle into the sky and yelling "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game notes, please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Kirby raced into the sky, eyes peeled as she looked for the ever elusive golden ball.
She wasn't a beater, she'd never been a beater, but apparently for this game, yes she was. She kicked off into the sky and looked for a bludger to hit. She found one almost immediately and aimed it at the French seeker. Wincing slightly when it hit her in the shoulder.

@Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet

not me hitting myself/
/ responding to myself scuse me

Kirby groaned when she was hit with a bludger, eyes looking for whoever it was. Dammit, a newbie, she didn't know this one. Was this a sign?
Light mounted his broom and snatched the quaffle as soon as it was released. He flew toward the hoops.
Enzo followed Light.
Kirby kept seeking.
Rose looked for another bludger, smacking it in the direction of the French seeker, but she managed to dodge it last second.
Ivy took to the sky unfortunately this time she was not quick enough to catch the quaffle. Instead she flew alongside the beauxbattons boy hoping to intercept the ball. Or at least get in the way enough he couldn’t take an easy shot or pass.
Aroha kept her eyes open for the snitch.

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