Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
It was cold, the man's breath could be seen as he walked across the pitch, the game chest and assorted brooms from the shed hovering in front of him. The clouds above looked ominous but they didn't dampen Reeve's excitement for the game to begin. The man cast a charm on his clothing to help insulate them further while he waited for the captains to walk over. It was easy enough to dismiss the first drops amid all of the noise and preparations but as he watched more of the players begin their warm ups, he realized it had begun sleeting.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only. Captains: Please double check the QCP before posting your lineups here.
Nabi really, really, really wanted to win this game. She was hopping up and down in place to keep warm as she waited for the match to begin. She knew it was all down to her, so she would have to play the best she ever had.
Zoey was happy to be playing a game on their home pitch. She hoped it might give them a slight advantage, even as the champions from last year she didn't want to take anything for granted. The air was biting cold and she bounced on the balls of her feet to get her blood going as she waited for her team to huddle up. "Not going to waste time repeating myself." she said, trying not to shiver. "You all know what to do. We did this last year and we can do it again." she said confidently. "Let's do this!"

Nabi MunSeeker
@Pearl ParraKeeper (Captain)
@Ocean KeeleyBeater
@Larissa BarosBeater
Zoey HawkinsChaser (Captain)
@Melrose Miller Chaser
@Hadrian Murphy Chaser
@March Chase Alt Seeker
@Summer Halliwell Alt Keeper
@Kathryne Andrews Alt Chaser
Light Zhefarovich could not have imagined that he would have been here in the states again, but now as a Quidditch Captain. He looked over his team, and decided to give a small speech. A very small speech. "Just because we are doing well before, doesn't mean that this will be easy. So, win it, or else I'll make the next practices to be a lot harsher."
@Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet Seeker
@Bellamy Parish Keeper
Light ZhefarovichChaser & Co-Captain
@Claire Blanchet Chaser & Co-Captain
@Enzo Walden Chaser
@Tullia Whitlock Beater
@Celestine Gauthier Beater
@Niniane Archambeau Alt. Seeker
Bellamy didn't like that they had to play in America. Port keys made the whole traveling thing easy but he liked the comfort that came with playing in a place he was more familiar with. But he was still excited to play. He wouldn't dare to be optimistic about their odds but it was his final season and he wanted to enjoy it.
March couldn't believe the game was here finally, he'd been dying to get up into the air with the French team all semester, and now his sisters could watch him play! He was so confident they would win, Nabi was fantastic.
Playing in America kind of sucked, she didn't like the English language as it was, but she supposed sometimes that was just how things be, not to mention the time difference always made things kind of weird. She stretched as she waited for the game to be called to start, flexing her fingers quickly.
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod and then reviewed the cards they'd handed over. He confirmed that all was well before sending both teams back to make their final preparations. The man quickly cast two charms on himself, one to keep the water repelling off of his goggles and the other to enhance his volume as he addressed the crowd. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the South hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the North hoops. Let's get ready to fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the snitch and bludgers. They quickly disappeared as the conditions seemed to worsen, the sleet picking up a bit. Reeve kicked off, soaring higher and higher, the quaffle tucked under his arm. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Don't forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
7. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Kirby kicked off into the sky, watching for the snitch because she didn't want to be outplayed by the Americans in her first game with them!
Hadrian hadn't really been giving it his all in training, but he wanted to do better today so when he saw his opportunity he swooped in and took up the quaffle.
Celestine had been busy with singing lessons, as that was her priority over Quidditch, but she still wanted to play and have fun. So with a big grin she immediately took to the sky looking for bludgers to hit.
She kept looking for the snitch, each time she thought she saw a glint it was usually off of her glasses. She sighed, but kept looking.
Hadrian raced along to the hoops, looking around for Zoey or Melrose but seeing as he had the best option for scoring, decided to take his chances. It paid off, and he gave a small fistpump as the quaffle went through the hoop. That was a relief in front of the home crowd, especially.
Celestine swung at a bludger, but it went wide of any targets.
Kirby kept looking for the snitch
Celestine kept looking for bludgers, though she might have been curiously eying the crowd a little.
Enzo was frustrated when Ilvermorny managed to score so quickly, when the quaffle was thrown back into play he grabbed it and began making his way towards the other set of hoops.
Summer took her place on the bench and watched the match unfold.
Ocean hopped on her broom and looked for a bludger.
Celestine lined up a hit, and sent the bludger flying towards the seeker. Unfortunately for her, it flew past the seeker and collided with the captain @Zoey Hawkins instead. She hoped it wasn't too painful.
Pearl guarded the hoops.
Celestine looked around for another bludger.
Enzo took his shot when he got closer to the hoops but he missed.
Kirby kept seeking the snitch, swinging her head from left to right, and up and down the pitch.
Nabi started her search for the snitch.

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