Quidditch Code Update: Explanation/Apology

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Hey all,

As many of you likely noticed over the past seven hours or so - a Quidditch Post default template that looked similar to the template below has been appearing in most posting areas:
The Template said:
[b]Quidditch Points:[/b]
[b]Starting Location:[/b]
Quidditch RP
[hr][b]Action Taken:[/b]
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
[b]Finishing Location:[/b]
This template has been on the board since a week and a half ago, however last night with updates to another section of the Quidditch forum I decided to merge the two Quidditch codes in to one file and have them run that way. I successfully did so, but then I decided it would be even easier of I made them run in one function - which didn't work out so well.
I saw no errors in FireFox 3.5 when I made this last update, and as all evening Internet Explorer had been behaving itself for me I decided not to test other browsers before hitting the hay. (To be fair, though, I likely would not have tried to post in other areas when checking other browsers)
Regardless, this morning I managed to fix the error quickly enough, and I hope any inconvenience caused by my small blunder can be forgiven. ^_^

Quidditch players should now have an exceptionally easier time posting, the post template coupled with new Quidditch-specific dropdowns in the Quidditch Games forum (and now only in the Quidditch Games forum ;) ) should definitely make Quidditch less about keeping track of everything and copying/pasting the same information a hundred times - and more about the roleplaying itself. :)
Here is how the code appears in the Winter Theme: http://z5.ifrm.com/9058/177/0/p1014064/Quidditch_Posts.png

Thank you all for you patience while I slept and you all suffered, I'll be sure to check Internet Explorer next time I update a post-template code. :r


P.S: In case you were wondering, I barely got 7 hours sleep... but I have a new kitteh (Merble) and she's awesome, so she made me happy despite my having woken up at six in the morning. :(
Also, if you have any suggestions for this code (other dropdowns/buttons/doo-dads that would be helpful to the playing of Quidditch) or have an idea of how a similar code could be used in another area of the site - just shoot me a PM. :)
Why you must apologize is beyond me.. I mean, surely people could not have found it that much of a bother deleting the form before an RP?
Nonetheless, I graciously accept your apology. :p

And if you haven't already, you should post some pictures of you kitten. ^_^
you already know my views on posting an apology but I know you're a great guy ;) and felt it necessary but I must also heartily concur with our members...

pics ... Merble... now :woot:

:console: sorry you didn't get much sleep ;)
Okay, sorry for what I said in the shout box, I didn't know I was rude ...

I usually didn't think I was rude because that's my personality ... hurt everyone ...

I'm really sorry ...
Nick, No need to apologize. The rest of the members posting something similar to me explains the lack of need to apologize. xD

Though as most have said, thank you for the apology. *thinks of things that haven't been thanked*

I'd also like to thank you for fixing the little error itself. ;)
Didn't effect me, but no one thought that one up yet xD

I decided to apologize because I know if I were trying to post in threads/RPs and the default post thing kept coming up I would be annoyed. Sure, it's not a giant deal, but it is a nuisance. :) So it just caused a slight inconvenience which I do apologize for. ;)

Tony: I was thinking about a "Default Points" button to have it insert, but that may not be worth it.
Kitten pictures may come in the future. ;)
Also, Joyce: I trust that you didn't mean to be rude, so no worries. :) It's just how it came off to me so early in the morning.
Nicolas King said:
Tony: I was thinking about a "Default Points" button to have it insert, but that may not be worth it.
Oohhhhh. Okay.

What about a large hammer button? Or a tree throwing button? Or something to blow up the chasers' brooms?

How about a random action button for shooting? Instead of having everyone score all the time after the three hour limit of no keeper posting, people press the button to determine if they scored or missed? No-body may like that but I don't like the way the game is played so tough tittle.

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~The HNZ Site Staff
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