Open Put Me in the Corner

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped dropout
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (17)
Gregory's day had gone about as well as he had thought it would. Between weird roses and feeling like he was always one steps away from being dunked with water or paint, or punched, he had just been on edge. He'd gotten far more roses than he'd expected. Some were anonymous and others were signed by people who clearly wanted forgiveness but who didn't want to actually talk to him. He was on edge and feeling nervous, but rather than hide away where surely something bad would happen, he'd come to the dance, where perhaps if something bad happened, someone would catch it. But he was standing in a corner out of the day with a drink in hand.
Dahlia had enjoyed her deliveries, and she'd been happy to get a couple of roses in return. She should have sent more, but she could at least give roses to her Gryffindor classmates more easily, especially her dormmates. People had seemed to like her handing out chocolates and having fun with it, which helped her mood a lot. Which had improved in general since last semester, even if Christmas had been pretty rough with Zinnia pointedly despising her. Dahlia would've swapped in a heartbeat if she could. She had meant to see what Anisha and Leah were doing if they didn't have dates and wanted to hang out, when she spotted Gregory off to the side. Dahlia sighed, summoning up her courage and headed over to him. "Muggle chocolates and a dance?" She still had a few heart chocolates left from her deliveries, after all.
Gregory was able to keep out of the way with some ease. He was also, in this corner it seemed he was out of the way. Someone had to go out of their way to come speak to him, and most just wouldn't. However, it seemed at least that the person coming over to him was someone he knew. Dahlia. He looked at his...friend...former she stood in front of him. Her rose had been nice, an apology for what had happened. But he didn't know what to do. "I'm okay," he replied, not really wanting to go dance where others were, where he would inevitable get into bother.
Dahlia put a hand on her hip, sighing somewhat dramatically. "It wasn't a question, Gregory," Dahlia started, before shaking her head. "Well, okay, it kinda was." She wasn't going to force him to eat anything if he didn't want to, and she wasn't exactly going to push him onto the dance floor, even if she thought it might be a good idea. "Okay, will you please dance with me? You can just kinda stand with me and we can talk?" Dahlia decided to lay it on a little thick, letting the lower lip quiver. "It's kinda hard to talk to you if you're always hiding away."
Gregory looked at the ground between them and then glanced a little to the chocolates. He really didn't want to go on to the dance floor, even if it was just Dahlia. He knew she had no idea about Terror and Horror and Halloween. Emmanuel knew she didn't. But maybe she did. He glanced around, almost sure that he'd spot one or both of the boys and this was all just some ploy. "I'm okay where I am," he said, his voice shaking, visibly nervous. "I'm out of the way here, and not bothering anyone,"
Dahlia was annoyingly stubborn at times, even though Gregory plainly seemed to want her to leave she didn't have any intention on budging just yet. "Well, fine, I'm just gonna stand here for a bit then," she insisted, folding her arms across her chest and firmly setting her chin. "I don't think you bother anyone, you know. Except total dumba**es like Cassius. Stupid Gryffindor girls only get bothered because they think the whole world is out to get them and they wanna blame everyone else." Dahlia half explained, at least feeling like she owed him that much. "Even if it's totally not their fault they got stupid magic powers and their little sisters didn't. But everyone acts like it is."
Terror Zhefarovich was annoyed. After being confused for Horror, again, he was not exactly in the best of moods. So, after dealing with that first year, he walked over to the corner where Dahlia and Gregory were. He barely caught on to what they were saying, but Dahlia seemed to be talking a lot more than normal. "Oh, so you two are on good terms again? That's great news," Terror's tone seemed genuine, though truthfully, he didn't care one way or another. "Gregory, if you want to dance with Dahlia, you might want to be careful. She stepped all over my feet last time." Terror smirked as he teased the Gryffindor, knowing full well that she did no such thing.
Gregory moved a little away as she went to stubbornly stay with him. He listened to her speak, but didn't really absorb much of it, the reminder of Cassius was enough to make him think of that note, of the rose and how it had ruined his whole day. The nice roses didn't mean anything when one bad rose spoke the truth. He glanced as Terror approached them and he knew he needed to leave. "I'm gonna go," he said, trying to pull away from this situation and go to the exit. He knew that Terror was bad news and knew that Dahlia and Terror or Horror were friends.
Dahlia was surprised by Terror's appearance, raising an eyebrow and looking mock appalled at what he said. "I did not," she insisted, looking offended though her lips quirked into a smile anyway, knowing he was teasing. The smile faded at Gregory's reaction, though. She thought she was doing the right thing, trying to make amends for upsetting him and put water under the bridge. Did he just hate her that much he wouldn't even try to reconcile with her? Honestly, if that were true she was a little angry, and clenched her fist by her side. Had their friendship meant nothing to the point he didn't want to try and fix it? "Fine, go I guess. I tried," she said, a little put out. Of course, she had no idea Terror had done anything, assuming it was just Cassius bothering him. She turned to look at Terror with an almost helpless shrug. "Thanks for the rose, by the way."
Terror wondered if Gregory thought wrongly of the rose he had sent, whether or not he was sincere. Terror was only half way, but seemed like the Hufflepuff could really hold a grudge as he excused himself. Of course, Dahlia had not heard what he had done over Halloween, and likely wouldn't unless Gregory opened his mouth. Then again, who would confirm it? He put on the confused, concerned expression well when Dahlia when she seemed to be a little upset by the departure of the Hufflepuff. "Huh, wonder what has gotten to him. Wasn't he friendly and such when he first got here?" Terror shifted his stance so that he was in front of Dahlia. "And thank you for yours. You don't have to point out your blood status though. I really don't care about that." Terror shrugged his shoulders.
((in which dahlia and terror pull out knives and stab gregory in the heart repeatedly))

Dahlia's annoyance quickly gave way to just feeling a little sad over the whole thing. Maybe it wasn't the best time to try and talk to him, but she hoped that the general pleasantry of the day would've made everything alright. She didn't want Gregory to be upset with her, even though she knew realistically he had a right to be she hoped that time and an apology meant they could at least try and get along again. "Not really," Dahlia admitted, clenching the side of her skirt. "I guess I was kinda bothering him. I just wanted to try and apologize. Guess he just...doesn't wanna forgive me." She tried to glance over, but Terror had moved in front of her so she focused her attention on him instead, giving him a smile. "Aha, sorry about that. Your cousin's introduction left a real impression. But I know you're different."
(OOC: I think that would have been kinder)

Terror was not sure what Gregory was like when he first came to the school. He was unaware of what the Hufflepuff went through, so his cousin must have done a real number on him. He put his hand to his chin as he thought about it. He shifted his attention to Dahlia. "Isn't that...uncharacteristic of him though? I mean, I know Slytherins can hold grudges, but never heard of a Hufflepuff doing that. Especially one like him." Terror knew his father could but he was a special league of Hufflepuff, honestly. He chuckled softly at the thought of his cousin leaving an impression. "My cousin is infamous for leaving really good first impressions on people. And, you are right, I am different." Yes, he was different because he was worse. Much worse. Even Cass was wary of him. He held his hand out toward her, "Since we are both here, want a repeat of the Yule Ball?"
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