Closed pull me like a bass drum

Gail Hayward

waitress • laugh in defiance, cry in rage • rebel
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Abigail Stacy Hayward had never met someone as stubborn as the man who had been going to this bar for the last couple of weeks. She'd been working here for more than a year now, and she already knew who the regulars were. This one was not a regular but was definitely on his way to becoming one with the frequency he'd started coming here. She couldn't say that she completely disliked it, though. The first time she noticed him, he'd brazenly asked her to go on a date with him, to which she stared at him incredulously. He didn't even look old enough to drink but he'd been let in so he was definitely at least eighteen. Still, she was busy, and she figured he was just drunk so she'd jokingly replied that he should come back tomorrow and ask her again when he was sober. She did not expect him to come back. And she did not expect him to ask again when he was sober. That flustered her because this did not happen. Nope. He was persistent, though; she'll give him that. She still hadn't agreed to a date yet, but she had been starting to consider it because he was certainly... interesting. And it wasn't like she could say that she didn't like being actively chased like this. "Back again?" she greeted him as she came to his table. Somehow, he always managed to sit in one of the areas she was assigned to. "You really don't have anything better to do?" she asked, one brow raised before taking his order because she was still on duty for another... fifteen minutes. Huh. He came late today.
"Maybe this is the better thing I have to do?" Ru replied, leaning back in his chair with a grin. He liked Gail for several reasons and not least of all that she was funny. She was unique among the other waitresses he’d seen at this bar, and honestly if not for her he probably wouldn’t still be coming. He liked the bar well enough, but it wasn’t the usual type of place he was usually seen in, not with his money and not in this country. His english was fine, it was his mother’s native language and his second, but he was still far more fluent in Japanese and sometimes he felt like he wasn’t expressing himself well in english. Still, Gail had been receptive to him, and though she’d rejected him twice, and he’d considered not asking her again, he also felt like he needed to give it one more chance. The other times he’d asked her, she’d been in the middle of a service, and so really he shouldn’t have been disturbing her, but dropping by later this time, just before her normal end of shift, he figured he’d give it one more try and if she said no this time, well that would be the end then. “I’m usually busy during the day and on weekends, but I can spare some time for you,” he added, leaning forward across his table a little.​

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