Closed Pudding Cups

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
The smell of chicken broth and fresh squeezed grapes aired out from the kitchen was replaced with scent of vanilla primarily, and a mix of natural ingredients from the garden. What she had meant to try was cook a recipe from back home and add her own twist than what the soup typically asked for. On accident, bitter roots were dumped in the brew, and she had a good hunch to question that accident. Someone had purposely set a bowl roots near the cauldron. She didn't have time to investigate which house elf was responsible here. That's when the switched to dessert sounded a lot better than chicken soup. Chicken soup was good after coming in from a cold day outside. Chante enjoyed a good soup, but the more she thought about and is reminded Kengi would be coming down to the kitchen soon, Chante changed her plans around. Pudding. That will do, and I can experiment more with dessert. Who doesn't like dessert? She hoped Kengi did! Crap, if he don't, there not a whole lot she knew about the Hufflepuff. Chante got to work anyways, experimenting with salt and sweet, and a little something else she won't reveal right away to Kengi. It was a surprise, the young puff couldn't wait for her friend to arrive at the kitchen. She was done by the time he'd come down. Chante sat patiently waiting with a dozen pudding cups, with the pudding colored in different flavor in each cup. Waiting while butterflies fluttered in her tummy and like if all the worries in the world was on her mind, this was meant to be fun! It weirdly felt like last year all over again....How come?
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Kengi Smile was surprised when Chante had asked him to join her in the Kitchens later. There was so much that he needed to do for classes and things of that nature. But, the girl had sounded like the situation was urgent, and he was not one to let his friends down. He would always do his best to support the people he was loyal to. Kengi made his way to the Kitchens, which was not far away from the Hufflepuff house. When he walked inside the Kitchens it smelled a bit strange. He never like the mixture of sweet and savory scents together. "Hey, whats up?" he asked quietly, failing to see the pudding cups nearby.
"Hey!" Chante jumped from one of the stool she sat on. Worrying about if Kengi would like the pudding and ignoring the pesky fluttering in her belly, she forgot to keep an eye out when he did came. "Nothing, I mean, pudding," the young teen gestured over to her colorful display of different flavor puddings in a paper cups. "I was making some soup at first but it got ruined, so I made these for you to try them out. It's kind of like every flavor beans but in pudding form," Chante revealed her secret. That special ingredient the essences of anything in liquid form. Thanks to another house elf, Chante requested if it was possible to make before Kengi came down. Chante was given a tray of assorted vials, and from there she experiment on the pudding with some delicious flavoring included. "I think I want to make sweets after Hogwarts. Go ahead, and try them out. Sorry in advance if you end up with something nasty!"
Kengi wasn't a nervous or shy kid. He was just a quiet person. He wasn't loud unless the situation required him to be that way, and such a situation had not come up since he started at Hogwarts. Hufflepuffs were friendly and all, but Kengi still felt a bit left out. He did not know why, but he was determined to figure it out some way or another. He felt that hanging out with Chante was a way for him to be more open to other people. The second year had been so busy looking down at his shoes that he did not see the pudding cups. What an idiot of him. "I hope there aren't any bad ones." he said more to himself than he said to his housemate. The boy picked up a spoon and set two different pudding cups in from of him. He slowly dipped his spoon into the first one and tasted it. Strawberry. It was such a summer fruit, and everyone knew that Kengi preferred winter over everything. It was as if ice and cold ran through his veins.

Kengi took a spoonful of the next pudding cup into his mouth. It was lime this lime this time. Kengi actually liked lime, so he was glad about this one. "I think you'll be good at making desserts! If you put your mind to it, then you can do it!" he said cheerfully. This seemed like a start. It was not as original as it could be, but it was a start, and Chate seemed passionate about it, which Kengi did not at all question. "You should have a baking fair with the house, where you sell your stuff, and other students can too!" he continued. "It's a good way to show our Head of House that you are a leader." he stated. Chante was only two years away from potentially being chosen as prefect. Things like this were important, if reputation was something that Chante valued.
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Encouraging the second year to test out her treat she partially made for the purpose of experimenting, she also made it for Kengi to enjoy. To have fun and make note of his reactions if the puddings were a success or a bust. If she'd scarp the ingredients all together and think of something more organic and original. Chante immediately begin to worry Kengi wasn't interested as he wasn't paying attention. He had every right not to be and Chante couldn't force him taste test. It didn't stop her from encouraging the young puff to give it a chance. "What?! That's the whole point, kinda. It's like when you taste chocolate of different kinds for the first time....I think," Chante observed him as he took his first spoonful of pudding from the first cup. Judging by his mute expression, Chante couldn't tell if he enjoyed it or not. If he didn't spit it out, it must've not have been a rancid one.

The next one she assumed he enjoyed out of the two. His face soften and he gave Chante some positive feedback. "Oh, damn. This was suppose to be fun and a little bit horrible," Chante laughed, swiping a cup for her own. The color inside the cup was bright pink. Taking a spoonful of bright pink pudding to taste, Chante sprint to the nearest sink the moment pudding mingle with her taste buds. "That!" Chante rinsed her mouth from the tap like crazy, water sprayed on her shirt. "That, horrible like that. Pigs feet," Chante laughed, "Thanks Kengi. I can ask her but I doubt they'd let me bake anything and sell it to anyone. I'm still learning," she smiled happily at his words, then went to clean up her mess. The fluttering in her tummy had deceased. In his present for a while, she was feeling more comfortable and she can't forget he was a year behind her, which made him younger. It didn't stop her from thinking he was cute. "And you Kengi, what exactly interests you? I wanna know."
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Kengi was picky. However, Kengi did not think of himself that way. He felt that he just had specific things that he liked and disliked. This was the part of him that made him slightly difficult to deal with. He was more reserved and picky. Even though he was this way, he and his sister, Rita, still got along. Rita was wild, which was normal for her age. She did not care much for anything, where as Kengi cared a lot for everything.

The second year had gotten distracted by his thoughts before he saw Chante rinsing out her mouth at the sink. Kengi quickly walked over and patted her gently on the back. The girl had a tendency to ramble, and it kind of bored him. He was just the type of person to be more in his thoughts than present with the people around him. "You have to be serious about it. Students can always sign waivers, and they can bake under faculty supervision. It's simple really. You just need to know how to deal with adults." he told her. His father, Kennedy Smile, was a very mature man, who encouraged professionalism. Kengi knew how to present his case to those who were older than him. He was confident when it came to such situations. If Chante wanted to be a baker, she would need to build her brand, and Kengi would support that if she wanted him to do so. "I like to read, I guess. I enjoy drinking hot chocolate on a snowy night with a book." he told her. "My family's well being is also important to me." he finished.
Chante's brows raised, her back tensed up because she didn't see him approaching. Or didn't see him much as comforting type. Maybe she was finding him hard to figure out? At the very least he did liked her pudding treats. "I'll keep that in mind, for sure. Thanks Kengi," and his assumption with her and adults could be a little off? Chante refrained from commenting, she didn't take his assessment too seriously. He was trying to get her to bake and expose her talent to the school in the form of a bake sale. No one has talked into doing so, Kengi was a first. It was nice having a friend who believed in her.

Chante finished cleaning while she listen to her friend open up a little for once. Without meaning to, she grimace and quickly masked it when she realize what she had done. She switched up so fast, so he wouldn't have caught it on time. Books were alright, she had a bunch of books upstairs, mostly text for her lessons. Guess she was counting on something extraordinary with Kengi. "Oh, that's nice. Which ones your favorite?" Family she can agree with, Chante very protective of her parents on the count they were very big people. "I erm, read sometimes not always, mostly at home."
Kengi always tried to be a supportive friend. He wanted to see his friends succeed to the best of their ability. He personally wasn't a very ambitious person, but one could say his ambition was to help other reach their ambitions. He felt that was a main reason that he was placed in Hufflepuff, along with his desire to support and protect his family. The boy did notice that Chante may have had something to say, but he didn't say anything else on the subject.

Kengi enjoyed lots of books, but his favorite was by far anything related to Harry Potter and conspiracy theories. He was a very skeptical person. He did not blindly believe anyone, which could get him in trouble in class. The Hufflepuff just enjoyed doing his own research. His father especially was worried that Kengi's skepticism would get him in trouble in the future, but he did not really feel that way because he did not see why his father could be worried about such a thing.
"I like reading about conspiracy theories, especially muggle ones. They are pretty hilarious." he said. He had a feeling that Chante was a bit more of a physical person, so he did not think she would be as interested in reading about things as he was. "I just like researching things. That way I can come up with my own opinions" he responded after she said that she did not read much, which he had already suspected.

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