🌹 Rose Giving Proud Yellows

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸Chatterbox 🐸 Froggtastic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8/2045 (17)
Yellow rose for @Gwen Goodwin

As tired as Marnie was, she'd agreed to pick up a few extra roses before the day ended since delivering had just been way too fun. Seeing the last name on her list now though, Marnie was starting to reconsider. Gwen Goodwin was intimidating, not in a scary way, but in a really pretty and successful prefect way that had Marnie hovering near the Slytherin table way too long before finally having to step up as Gwen was moving to leave the Great Hall. "Gwen hello! I have a rose for you hope you didn't think you were done cause you have one more that's pretty exciting I bet you got LOADS I mean I imagine someone like you would get loads right I'd send you one if we were friends like not in a weird way just I bet you your friends would right?" Marnie babbled as she stopped the older girl.
Gwen was a little disappointed she hadn't gotten more roses over lunch, just one. She had lingered as long as she could, but now she really had to leave. She sighed, gathered her things, then got up to leave the Great Hall. The rose hadn't even been pink. But as she went to leave, a younger girl suddenly started talking to her. Gwen blinked, trying to take in what the girl was saying so rapidly. "You have a rose for me?" She asked, as she figured that was what the girl was saying, in her own weird way.
"I sure do here you go it's a yellow one so I bet it's one from your friends or maybe a secret friend admirer that's probably a thing right? To send people roses you wanna be friends with and it could be yellow instead of a pink one I'd do it maybe I should for next time," Marnie said, finally handing over the rose to Gwen along with the note before she said anything more embarrassing. It meant Gwen would probably leave now, but maybe that was for the best since Marnie couldn't keep her cool around pretty people very well yet.

GIRL I'm so proud of you! Keep rockin it 4 life
xoxox, Jenna

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