Open Protesting

Giselle Rosenberg

In therapy, working on herself.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde hold her posters under her arm and walked outside. Why not hang the posters at the horrible place it was played at. Giselle arrived at the Quidditch Pitch and looked around to see if anyone was around. There was free speech right? So no one could tell her not to hang this up. And otherwise she didn't cared what they would think. She would not stop. The blonde found an place near the stands where she could hang it up and took a step back to see if it hanged right. With an grin on her face she looked at it. The poster didn't need much change it was perfect. She took her notebook and looked at her to do list, and put an check mark on it. The next game that would be played was Gryffindor and Ravenclaw she believed. Giselle could not believe she was alone in this cause, she needed to talk with her head of house about Quidditch. He didn't liked it as well the man had answered her. They had to do something about it.. but she didn't had the feeling Styx would put his energy into it. But she could try?

Tilly was sweaty and battered after a solo practice. Feeling gutsy, she had released two bludgers. She figured since she was alone on the pitch, it would be a good opportunity to sharpen her skills. But it didn’t go as perfectly as planned. She’d been walloped twice, once in the leg, which made her hobble once she’d descended to the ground. The second time around, a bludger had grazed her face, leaving a nasty bruise on her left cheek.

The Hufflepuff had finally wrangled the two bludgers back into the box. She was just stepping out of the supply shed when she noticed someone slapping up posters- Giselle Rosenberg.

Tilly’s stomach dropped. She knew Giselle hated Quidditch, but Tilly suspected she hated beaters most of all. A big problem, given that was Tilly’s position on the team. As she turned away, Tilly concealed her beater’s bat behind her body, hoping Giselle wouldn’t notice. Her broom, on the other hand, was more difficult to hide. Tilly hopped along as she tried to leave the pitch and avoid Giselle.
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After she hanged up the poster she looked around to find another spot for an next one, people had to see them. Giselle had heard that someone woke up after an week after getting hit by and bludger, that was insane! And dangerous and stupid. When she turned around she saw someone walking to the exit. With an broom. Someone who played quidditch perhaps? Giselle frowned and tried to see who it was and when she got an closer look it looked like Tilly. '' Hey you there!'' She said a bit loud, to try and get the attention. And than walked with the poster towards the person. To actually see it was Tilly. She spotted an broom. '' Tilly? What are you doing here?'' It seemend like an easy answer, while looking at the broom but Giselle wanted to hear it loud and clear before judging. She had liked Tilly so far. And hse hoped the girl would not lie to her.
Oh Merlin, here it comes. Tilly smiled sheepishly. “Hey, Giselle. How are you?” The Hufflepuff was certain she was still obstructing the view of her beater’s bat, so she would leave that part out. “I was practicing,” she said. It wasn’t a lie; she just didn’t need to go into more detail- especially about her injuries. Tilly’s cheek and leg both stung with the impact of the bludgers before.
When she came closer to Tilly, and she actually responded, Giselle was suspicious. The girl asked her how she was doing and the blonde thought of that for an moment. '' Fine'' she than responded as that was usually her answer. The blonde looked at Tilly than as she seemed a bit nervous. She told her she was practicing and Giselle raised her eyebrow. '' Practicing..?'' She than repeated and stayed silent for an moment.
'' For what exactly? We finished flying class in first year.'' Giselle than said an bit confused. Giselle had an feeling where this might go and she hoped that Tilly would tell her otherwise. '' You look horrible, by the way. How do you get those bruises?'' Giselle as open as always just said what she thought. The blabber mouth as she was.
Tilly blushed at Giselle. “Uh, I made it onto the Quidditch team.” Tilly knew Giselle wouldn’t be happy about it. She reached up to feel her cheek when Giselle pointed her bruises. Ouch. The Hufflepuff would be sore for days if she didn’t drag herself up to the hospital wing.

Tilly said, matter-of-factly. There was no use in lying.
Giselle waited for an answer tapping with her feet on the grass and looking an bit annoying to Tilly. And when she said it, it came as no suprise in case she already could put the puzzle pieces together for now. '' Aha. You did?'' The blonde than said and felt her blood boiling, trying to hold it together still. She wanted to make friends badly, more than anything but thought of herself first. And her emotions were first and not something she could just hold in. And than she said the word bludgers. The worst word ever! She was so hurt by bludgers but she liked it or something? '' You got to be kidding.'' And she made an kind of laugh in anger. '' Wait.. let me guess. And on top of that, you chose for an position like uh.... BEATER?!'' Giselle than said and spoke the word beater out with more feeling. Giselle shook her head.
Tilly noticed Giselle getting more frustrated with her and took a subconscious step back. While Tilly was bigger than Giselle, she’d seen the Slytherin get into fights, and didn’t want to be on the receiving end of her fist.

“Yes, I made beater,” Tilly said. Still, she tried not to advertise her bat.

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