Promoting and shouting

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Promoting the Wild Patch Club was a task Archie never thought he would take part in, though when the task had been brought up, he offered to take part much to Orwell's surprise and soon found himself following his fellow students around the hall in an attempt to coerce them into joining his best friend's club. "Join Wild Patch Club!" He shouted as he halted to a stop and continued making a scene by stepping onto one of the chairs and throwing a few leaflets on the table around him. "The club is about the important things in life! Like flower crowns and fighting the system!" He continued to shout, throwing more handfuls of leaflets to his surroundings. He was sure his methods for promoting the club, although arguably invasive because his fellow students more than likely wanted to eat in peace, would work because he was capturing attention. Whether the attention he was capturing by shouting his lungs out in the hall was the kind of attention he should be capturing was also arguable. "The flower crowns are almost as gay as I am!" Archie slammed his foot on the chair. "Join Wild Patch Club!"
Jean liked Archie. He was a good teammate, a great quidditch player, and a seemingly nice guy. But, if he didn't stop throwing flyers near his food, Jean was going to hex him. "Hey Archie! If you stop throwing these near my oatmeal, I'll wear one of those stupid flower crowns with you all." He pulled a leaflet closer and took a glance.
"Victory!" Archie shouted in response to Jean. He could tell the other Gryffindor was not pleased with his antics, but did not plan to stop promoting Wild Patch Club until he had recruited anyone and everyone for the cause. His goal was to draw as much attention to Orwell's club as possible. Quietening down was the last thing on his mind and the last thing he planned to do. "But Jean, how can I stop now? I've already made you into a new recruit! Another student for the cause!" Archie exclaimed as he threw another handful around the table. When he decided he had drawn enough attention at the table, he quickly crossed the isle to a different table and began dropping more handfuls of leaflets near a different group of students. "Join Wild Patch Club and bring down capitalism!" He continued to shout.
Chaos Zhefarovich was trying to eat his meal, but it was just not going well with some feeble minded moron that kept shouting about something with some club, and taking down capitalism. He saw a leaflet drop right in front of him, and the knife that Chaos was using to skin his apple suddenly dropped, as his hand balled into a fist. Clinching the knife once more, he stabbed the apple and stood up, his purple eyes glowing with anger as they narrowed onto the culprit. "What the f**k do you think you are doing, Gryffindor!" Chaos hissed toward the blonde's direction. He was not that much older than Chaos, not that it mattered. Chaos was known to pick a fight with anyone. And today was supposed to be his good day.
Archie did not give a second thought to the possibility of his actions eliciting anger in his peers. He was far too dedicated to promoting the Wild Patch Club, caught up enough in his plan to capture as much attention as possible to consider how annoying it must have been to the students that wanted to eat their meals in peace. Even when someone Archie recognized from the Hufflepuff quidditch team stood up and began yelling, he remained fixated on the cause. "Chaos!" His tone was friendly and his actions were far from hesitant. He had heard many a rumor about Chaos Zhefarovich though conveniently forgot everything as he focused on recruiting the Hufflepuff to the club. "You'd look hot with a flower crown, bud." He winked as picked a leaflet from the pile he held with his arm and pushed it against Chaos' chest. "All the more reason to join the Wild Patch Club!" He exclaimed.
Chaos raised an eyebrow when the boy addressed him. Who the hell was this guy? Wait. Gryffindor...keeper, wasn't it? Renner or something? Chaos could not remember the first name, but that surname seemed to fit well enough. And then when the boy said that he would look hot with a flower crown. What the hell was he, gay? Chaos felt like he was about to hit the fruitcake when the boy shoved leaflets against his chest. Chaos immediately dropped them, not liking it at all. "Unless there is fire and mudbloods roasting on an open flame, there is no way in hell I'd join something as pathetic as a club about flowers." Chaos paused for a moment, before pointing his finger at the boy, "Call me hot again, and I'll give you a black eye. Maybe you will have some flowers to match that."
Hemi was new here and had no idea what the 'Wild Patch Club' was, but he had heard it called out so many times that he wanted to be part of whatever it was. "I'll join the Wild Patch Club, uh what is it?"
Archie only smiled wider as Chaos threatened him. He was clearly not seeing the anger in the Hufflepuff's actions nor the possibility Chaos would actually punch Archie for complimenting him. All the gryffindor saw was the fact hat Chaos had reacted to his methods of drawing attention to the club. "But I'm only complimenting you, Chaos. Would you like me to lie?" He began though before he could continue, he was interrupted by another Gryffindor's query. He turned to the younger student and smiled as he spoke, attempting to describe the club to the best of his ability though he honestly did not know much about the club apart from the Forbidden forest protest and flower crowns Orwell had mentioned. "The Wild Patch club is about the wild patch. This year my best friend is the leader of the club and he's staging a protest in the Forbidden forest!" He picked another leaflet from the pile he held with his arm so he could hand it to the younger Gryffindor. "We're also making flower crowns during the protest to make it more fun!"
Narrowing his purple eyes, Chaos didn't like this kid one bit. His hands quickly balled into his fists. This boy was pissing him off. He was complimenting him. Did Chaos have to scream out, 'no homo'? He was not about to let this boy hit on him, and it was obvious that this kid did not take his threats seriously. Chaos was about to do what he was said, until some younger Gryffindor came along and distracted him. Chaos let out a sigh and let the two finish before he hissed, "I'm not done with you, fruitcake." Chaos forcibly turned the boy to face him before Chaos punched the kid right in the eye, like he promised. Dusting his hands off, and walked away from the annoyance. He hoped that he did everyone a favor in a twisted way. Maybe that will get the kid to shut up.

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