- Messages
- 36,991
- OOC First Name
- Cyndi
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Wand
- Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
- Age
- 4/2005

Cyndi Angeline Kingsley
PB: America Ferrera
Maiden name: Weasley
Birthday: April 17th, 2005
Graduation: 2023- Gryffindor House
Job: Ancient Runes Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor Head of House, Deputy Headmistress (former)
Former Job: Assistant at Dervish & Banges 4th-7th year
Hair Style: shoulder length, brown with reddish highlights
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Handedness: Right
Tattoo: 1. Algiz tattoo on the inner wrist of her left arm
Meaning: represents the courage we must exercise in order to face our fear of the unknown
2. her husband's initials (which are also her initials) on her ring finger under her ring.
3. Her children's birthdates on her upper back, left side.
See her style: Style 1,Style 2
Likes: anything red, competing, Puddlemere United, wizarding music, traveling, teaching, making bets, spending time with her family, owls, glass runes, mentoring, baking
Dislikes: first dates, liars, being told what to do, waiting, losing bets, artichokes, devil's snare
Personality Strengths: Loyal, Courageous, Hard-working, Responsible
Magical Strengths: Dueling, Cleaning and moving charms, rune interpretation
Personality Weaknesses: Jealous, Impulsive, Messy, Insecure (at times)
Magical Weaknesses: Wandless magic, transfiguration, healing spells
Fears:hags, dark alleys,
Like a sheepdog, Cyndi is loyal and fun loving while at the same time keeping a protective watch over those she cares about most.
Cyndi is not good at producing a corporeal Patronus. She has only ever done so a handful of times.
Memory#1: A random memory of a time when she was back in Dorm 4 with Kat, Kiera and Andy, getting ready for the Yule Ball. The girls were joking around, sharing makeup and in a general good mood as they prettied themselves up. Of late, this memory invokes more sadness than happiness and does not result in so much as a mist.
Memory#2 (former, no longer works): Walking down the aisle towards Cameron on her wedding day.
Memory #3 Christmas morning, 2041
Amortentia: New parchment, freshly cut grass,
Q &A
I LOVE IT WHEN... my children come to visit and when the Gryffindors win the house cup
MY FIRST KISS... was in England when I was on vacation with my parents when I was 15. His name was Julian and our families were staying at the same wizarding resort.
IF I WERE STRANDED ON AN ISLAND AND COULD ONLY BRING THREE THINGS, I WOULD BRING.... a photo album, my glass runes, and an empty journal.
MY FAVORITE PERSON IS..... Just one? No way. There are too many people.
THE LAST TIME I CRIED WAS..... when my daughter moved out of the home and I was officially an empty nester.
WHEN I GET ANGRY I..... throw things or go outside with my beater's bat and fly around smacking bludgers. I also overthink arguments in my head.
MY FAVORITE SONG IS..... Accio My Heart
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