Professor Cyndi (Weasley) Kingsley

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Cyndi Angeline Kingsley

PB: America Ferrera
Maiden name: Weasley
Birthday: April 17th, 2005
Graduation: 2023- Gryffindor House
Job: Ancient Runes Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor Head of House, Deputy Headmistress (former)
Former Job: Assistant at Dervish & Banges 4th-7th year

Hair Style: shoulder length, brown with reddish highlights
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Handedness: Right
Tattoo: 1. Algiz tattoo on the inner wrist of her left arm
Meaning: represents the courage we must exercise in order to face our fear of the unknown
2. her husband's initials (which are also her initials) on her ring finger under her ring.
3. Her children's birthdates on her upper back, left side.
See her style: Style 1,Style 2

Likes: anything red, competing, Puddlemere United, wizarding music, traveling, teaching, making bets, spending time with her family, owls, glass runes, mentoring, baking
Dislikes: first dates, liars, being told what to do, waiting, losing bets, artichokes, devil's snare

Personality Strengths: Loyal, Courageous, Hard-working, Responsible
Magical Strengths: Dueling, Cleaning and moving charms, rune interpretation
Personality Weaknesses: Jealous, Impulsive, Messy, Insecure (at times)
Magical Weaknesses: Wandless magic, transfiguration, healing spells

Fears:hags, dark alleys,

Like a sheepdog, Cyndi is loyal and fun loving while at the same time keeping a protective watch over those she cares about most.
Cyndi is not good at producing a corporeal Patronus. She has only ever done so a handful of times.

Memory#1: A random memory of a time when she was back in Dorm 4 with Kat, Kiera and Andy, getting ready for the Yule Ball. The girls were joking around, sharing makeup and in a general good mood as they prettied themselves up. Of late, this memory invokes more sadness than happiness and does not result in so much as a mist.
Memory#2 (former, no longer works): Walking down the aisle towards Cameron on her wedding day.
Memory #3 Christmas morning, 2041

Amortentia: New parchment, freshly cut grass, and Cameron Kingsley's cologne

Q &A
MY FAVORITE FOOD IS... pasta with garlic bread
I LOVE IT WHEN... my children come to visit and when the Gryffindors win the house cup
I HATE IT WHEN... people do things for me without asking me if I want them to. children think they can ignore authority and disregard rules
MY FIRST KISS... was in England when I was on vacation with my parents when I was 15. His name was Julian and our families were staying at the same wizarding resort.
IF I WERE STRANDED ON AN ISLAND AND COULD ONLY BRING THREE THINGS, I WOULD BRING.... a photo album, my glass runes, and an empty journal.
MY FAVORITE PERSON IS..... Just one? No way. There are too many people.
THE LAST TIME I CRIED WAS..... when my daughter moved out of the home and I was officially an empty nester.
WHEN I GET ANGRY I..... throw things or go outside with my beater's bat and fly around smacking bludgers. I also overthink arguments in my head.
MY FAVORITE SONG IS..... Accio My Heart
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School Stuff

Reason: In the early part of 2015, Charles Weasley received word that he would have to uproot his family yet another time. He broke the news to the family as soon as he got home that the family would be heading to New Zealand as soon as he found them a place to stay. Within a month, the Weasleys were settled into a town right outside of Nelson, New Zealand. Her parents were reluctant to have her travel all the way to Hogwarts Scotland for schooling, nervous for her to be far from home. After Cyndi received a letter from Hogwarts Scotland informing her that they were at capacity and informing her that she had been accepted at the new New Zealand branch that was opening, the family and Cyndi were thrilled. She headed there in 2016.

House: Gryffindor

Wand: Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Useful in divination, Bloodwood is said to reveal secrets of both the past and the future and to aid its possessor in understanding the given knowledge.
Well known for its brilliant red color it is also perfect for matters of the heart and healing.

Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.

Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.

Wood: Oak wands are excellently reliable no matter the situation they are found in - they withstand the greatest challenges and remain largely unscathed.

Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.

Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.

Favorite Subjects
Ancient Runes- In addition to the wonderful teaching of Professor Heimdall, Ancient Runes was just one of those classes that always kept Cyndi intrigued. She found that the runes always seemed to offer her guidance (sometimes when she didn't even think she needed it). She loved and still loves doing readings for people, and she even still has the first runes she ever made. She can't use them though because some of the markings are illegible and she doesn't know which rune they represent.

Arithmancy- Even though she was warned by many that this class would not be a piece of cake, Cyndi took it. She loved challenges and Arithmancy was always one challenge after another, but she learned a lot about not only who she was but the potential she had to do great things.

Least Favorite Subject
Astronomy- What made this by far the worst subject for Cyndi was the constant memorization that was involved. She never understood why she would need to remember the number of moons that Saturn had or the position of the sun and how it affected Pluto. And the constant stream of professors flowing into and out of the room caused Cyndi to zone out long before she'd taken her OWL in the class. If a person still wants to know how much she hated the class, they only need to ask to see her OWL grade. It speaks for itself.

Favorite Professors
Professor Rowann- Although she was only Cyndi's professor for a year or two, Cyndi thought she was great. She was tough but at the same time, she obviously wanted her students to do well, and Cyndi appreciated that. Without Rowann, Cyndi is not sure that she ever would have been able to produce a Patronus.

Professor Manteia- Even though he was the most intimidating person Cyndi has ever come across, she also thought he was one of the best professors in the school. He never minced words and was always fair even if it meant his own house losing points, and Cyndi had a great deal of respect for the professor because of it.


OWL GRADES (10 taken)







Ancient Runes










History of Magic


Care of Magical Creatures


NEWT GRADES (6 taken)







Ancient Runes






Extracurricular Activities:Prefect, Gryffindor House Team (Beater), Co-Captain of the Gryffindor Team during her 7th year

Favorite Place: Lakefront, Gryffindor Common Room, Dorm Four
Least Favorite Place: Forbidden Forest, Dungeons
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Charles Weasley
Pb: Damian Lewis
Hogwarts Scotland- Gryffindor
Occupation: Dragon Keeper
D.O.B: 12/12/1972


Cynthia Weasley
Pb: Angie Harmon
St. Vladimir's in Romania
Occupation: Part-time work at a Vet's office
D.O.B.: 8/27/1976


Charlotte Anne Weasley
Pb: Nina Dobrev
Hogwarts Scotland Alum- Gryffindor, Former Prefect, Quidditch Seeker
Occupation: Daily Prophet Reporter - England
D.O.B: 5/8/2010
Married to Josiah Hall, Daily Prophet Sports Reporter, 2 children (Anna - born 2037, Liam - born 2046)


Charlie Alexander Weasley
Shia Labeouf
Hogwarts Scotland Alum- Gryffindor
Occupation: Veterinarian
D.O.B.: 10/20/2012

Married to Andrew Moore, Muggle, Veterinarian, 1 adopted child (Andrew Jr. born 2036)​



Ava King


Katalina Harker(nee Vanderhol)

Kiera Kaster (formerly Potter, nee Kingsley) (Deceased)


Andromeda Fiorelli (Deceased)


Estrella Drage - [Cyndi is godmother to Slade Drage]


Riley Smith -[Cyndi is godmother to Lowan Smith]



Val Smith
Dated from August 2023- March 2024


Riley Smith
Dated from May 2025- August 2025


Cameron Kingsley
Dated: December 2025-October 2026, February 2027- December 2027
Engaged: December 2027- July 2028
Married: July 2028- September 2047 (19)​


Name: Noah Cameron Kingsley
D.O.B: 1/13/31 at 6:29 AM


Name: Jacob Sean Kingsley
D.O.B: 08/11/34 at 12:00PM

Name: Eleanor Francesca Kingsley
D.O.B.: 7/22/2040 at 11:11AM
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Timeline of Events in Cyndi's Life

2005- Cyndi Angeline Weasley is born
2010- Charlotte, Cyndi's sister, is born
2012- Charlie Jr., Cyndi's younger brother, is born
2016- Receives letter to attend Hogwarts New Zealand
Continues the family tradition of being placed in Gryffindor
2019- Joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a beater
2020- Becomes a prefect
2023- Becomes Co-Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team along with Katalina Vanderhol
Graduates with 6 NEWTs
Moves into first place near Obsidian Harbor
Gets hired as a professor-in-training in Ancient Runes
Meets Val Smith
Riley moves in
2024- Becomes the Ancient Runes professor
Val breaks up with her
2025- Dates and Breaks up with Riley
Begins dating Cameron Kingsley
BF Andromeda Fiorelli dies
2026- Named Gryffindor HoH
Breaks up with Cameron Kingsley
Becomes Godmother to Lowan Smith
2027- Begins dating Cameron Kingsley again
Becomes engaged to Cameron
2028 - Is named Deputy Headmistress
Marries Cameron Kingsley
2031- Gives birth to first child, son, Noah Kingsley
2033- Resigns as Deputy Headmistress
2034- Gives birth to second child, son, Jacob Kingsley
2036/7- Cameron Kingsley becomes Minister of Magic for New Zealand
2040 - Gives birth to third child, daughter, Eleanor Kingsley
2045- BF Kiera Kaster dies
2047- Divorces Cameron Kingsley

Noteworthy RPs*​

Ancient Runes booth- Cyndi, Estrella, several others

Turning seventeen- Cyndi, Bruin, Andy & Kat
First Practice as Co-Captain- Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Bet Part 1- Estrella & Cyndi
Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw Bet Part 2-
A Very Important Question


After Graduation
First Class
New roommate- Riley & Cyndi
Almost time to go
No More Avoiding

Out for some evil fun- Leo, Cameron & Cyndi
It's a bird, It's a plane...- Cameron & Cyndi

A meeting in the lion's den- Katalina, Kiera & Cyndi

This cannot be happening-Riley, Caysi, Cameron & Cyndi
I have to tell you something-Riley & Cyndi
Time for some forgiving-Cameron & Cyndi
Put on your dancing shoes-Riley & Cyndi

A Quiet Evening - Cameron & Cyndi
Have I Got Some News For You - Riley & Cyndi
Fireworks Over Georgia - Cameron, Cyndi and their guests

* Still being updated
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