Priscilla Bleu

Full Name:
Starre Priscilla Bleu

Date of Birth:
May 15, 2012

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Straight, long mahogany hair with a fringe that reaches her eyes; hazel eyes; wide, white smile.

Priscilla is a ray of sunshine, just like any other child of eleven years. She likes to go on adventures, especially with her father, and has a place in her heart for her pet cat of five years, Rori. Because of her father’s smothering, Priscilla developed a thirst to prove herself but never had a chance to do so until she was accepted into HNZ, and started living away from her father.

Priscilla was named after her mother, but she died during childbirth. Kris, Pricilla’s father, had to look after her, but not necessarily alone. He had help from his parents, and from his wife’s parents also. Priscilla loves to hang out with her cousin, Nathan, from her mother’s side. Her mother was a muggle, and so is her father, but Priscilla’s grandmother from her father’s side is a muggleborn witch.

A pet cat called Rori, because the cat has fully hair like a lion, and lions roar. She has a horse called Nutmeg, back in America.

Area of Residence:
The Bleu family has a house in America, but they spend their summers in Sydney, Australia, where Kris was raised.

Blood Status:
Half-blood (her grandmother is a muggleborn)


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
She loves to do outdoorsy things with Kris, and sometimes, Nathan comes along. Some activities are surfing, rock climbing, hiking, underwater diving, mountain bike riding, horse riding, and skiing.

Additional Skills:
If the ability to annoy someone by smiling too much is considered, then yeah.

Physical things, like running, etc. She doesn’t hesitate to try something new out, but she thinks over her decisions first before actually doing them.

She’s not that smart, and has trouble doing school-related work. She finds it hard to make friends, particularly during her muggle schooling, so she prefers to spend time with her dad. She’s like a friendly loner.

Describe your character in three words:
Reserved, exploratory, yet welcoming

Favourite place to be:
Whenever there are things to do. She loves visiting her mother’s parents and Nathan in America, but she prefers to be in Sydney with her magical grandmother, and her father. Priscilla has a tree house in both her homes, and is sometimes found to be hanging out there, if not in the tree itself.

A few friends, but no close friends. Nathan is considered to be her closest friend and relative.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To pass her classes, and maybe try out for the Quidditch team if possible. She wants to excel in all things she do, so that she can make her family proud, ad maybe rub it in Nathan’s face. He never did like her leaving for HNZ.

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:
A cat, because she finds comfort in her pet cat, Rori, who happens to be one of the kittens of her later mother’s own cat.

Your Patronus memory:
When her father gifted her Rori; when she first managed to stand up on a surfboard alone; and when she first climbed a tree.

Your Boggart:
Dogs of any shape, size and breed. She had bad encounters with the animals. If Priscilla does encounter a Boggart, it will be of a giant dog.

Your Animagus:
If she has one, she'll either be a cat, or an animal that can fly. Her father says she’s too young to sky dive, but she wants to experience how to fly.

Mirror of Erised:
Her family to be reunited, though she knows this can't happen. Her mother's dead.

A page from your diary:
Priscilla doesn’t do diaries, but if she has to…

I beat Nathan again in a race around the property. He said I was cheating, but I can’t help it if I have longer legs than him. I am, after all, older than him by two years. I told him I would help him grow faster by hanging him upside down from the tree house, but he said no. I wonder why…

Dad came home late; he said he had work to do, but I think he’s been hanging out with that Sky chick from his office. I don’t know what he sees in her, but Gran says to not think too much about it. She then distracted me by showing me how to change the colors of my bike using magic. She let me use her wand! And it was cool!

I can’t wait to learn magic! I mean, it’s hard at first, learning how to hold it, wave it, and the incantation, but once I figured it out, the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. I can’t wait to get my letter from HNZ. Gran says I’ll get it on my eleventh birthday. I can’t wait – that’s one more year! Gran’s happy that there’s another magical person in the family. I don’t know why the magical gene skipped Dad’s generation, but I'm not complaining.
Here are some questions for you:

Why does Priscilla go by her middle name and not her first name?
How tall is Priscilla?
What body type would you say Priscilla has? (Granted, she's only eleven, but is she slim, or maybe athletic? Does she hulk over others her age? Etc. :lol: )
Can you describe Priscilla's relationship with her father? They seem close, but perhaps too close?

Priscilla’s grandmother from her father’s side is a muggleborn witch.
If that is true - then Priscilla's father should likely also be a wizard (as magic is always inherited) unless he is a squib - which means he was simply born without magic (or with very underdeveloped magic) and he still isn't a muggle. :)
Why does Priscilla's family move between two such very different locales?
Can Priscilla dance?
Does Priscilla have an ambitions for after Hogwarts?

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