🌹 Rose Giving Pretty Pink

Zagreus Kohler

loner + finding his voice + german
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
9/2043 (16)
@Delilah Thorne

Next up on his list was another Ravenclaw prefect, but after realizing she wasn't in the prefect common room and he had little luck around the Ravenclaw dorm, he was now deciding to try the Great Hall. She would have to show up somewhere eventually. Or someone might actually know where she was. "I have a rose for Delilah Thorne," he called out, wrapping his fingers around the little basket of roses he was carrying, "Is she around?"
Delilah didn't want to be a person today. Coming back to school had been as awful as she thought and the last place she wanted to be was the great hall on Valentine's Day. She had stayed away as long as she could but she was starving now. If she could be quick, maybe no one would talk to her. She hadn't sent any roses this year and wasn't sure if she'd receive any. But when she heard her name being called she froze with her cup of tea half way to her lips. She considered lowering her head and pretending she wasn't there, but she had delivered roses before and knew it wouldn't be fair to the poor kid looking for her. With a sigh she raised her hand. "That would be me." she said softly.
Thankfully he heard a voice, the girl he was looking for called out herself and Zagreus let out a small sigh of relief. Thankfully he wouldn't have to run around looking for her for ages. Instead, he walked over to where the girl was standing, offering her a small smile as he did so. "I have a rose for you," he stated once he had gotten there before looking through his small remaining bunch of flowers for the one he was after. When he found it, he plucked the pink rose up off the pile and held it out for the girl, "Here you go."

Dear Delilah

I don't really know if this is the right colour, but it felt right. I feel different around you than anyone else - you're special to me, and I'm still figuring out why.

Delilah sighed. "I figured." she said, not bothering to keep her thoughts to herself. Why else would he be looking for her today? She waited patiently as he looked for the right flower to give her. She had been expecting a yellow, like she got every year from her friends but when he held out a pink rose she frowned. "Are you sure that's the right one?" she asked before slowly taking the rose and checking the note. It was addressed to her but it wasn't signed. Her face flushed immediately at the sweet message yet she had no idea who could have sent it. For a moment she thought it might be some kind of prank but the words were so uncertain. If someone was trying to mess with her they would have said they loved her or something foolish like that.
The girl seemed a little confused when he held up a pink rose, but Zagrues nodded his head. "It has your name on it..." so that must mean it was for her and not someone else. Unless the names had gotten mixed up, but he doubted it. He watched the older girl as she read her note, saw the suddenly flush to her cheeks. It must have been a surprise. Suddenly, Zagreus felt a little awkward still hanging around so cleared his throat. "Well... that's it..." he didn't have anything else for her, "I'll get going then." With that, he started to back away again to give her some space.
Delilah felt a bit embarrassed when he pointed out that it had her name on it. "Uh, right." she mumbled as her face grew hot again. But this time it was because of a different kind of embarrassment. She fiddled with the note a bit and was suddenly mortified when she realized she either had to walk around with her pink rose or try and get up to her room before her next lesson so she could hide it there. "Yeah, thanks." she said quickly as the young boy looked like he was trying to make his exit. Delilah was fairly certain she looked mad considering how she reacted to her rose. "Happy Valentine's." she offered weakly as he left.

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