Pretty Face

OOC First Name
London was always Althaia's favorite city, and although she didn't live there, she always had wanted to. Working there was enough satisfaction for her, even if it wasn't what she wanted to do with her life. Currently, she was just working for a modeling agency just doing small shoots, that is until she finally gets the courage to apply for a ministry job, which probably wouldn't be for a long while. She had confidence, a whole lot of it, but she felt that she possibly just wasn't good enough to join the ministry. There worked the best of the best wizards, and Althaia almost felt as if she wouldn't be worthy.

Now she was just walking down the street, enjoying the sights, smells, and sounds of the city, spying out people that she deemed interesting. And then her stomach let out a growl. She hadn't had breakfast that day, so it actually made sense that she was hungry. She wasn't one to eat for the sake of eating. Yawning, she ducked into a small cafe and sat. Althaia didn't know what to order, deciding between tea and a croissant or tea and a fruit salad. After some time she settled on the croissant and sighed, running fingers through her hair and wishing for some company to pass the time.
Alexia was rushing, rushing to find this building where she was supposed to give a business proposition, rushing to fix herself in the bathroom and to find the where she was supposed to go. She couldn't afford to mess this up, merging with this company and going international would be huge. So she was trying very hard not to screw this up, but being in a new place wasn't exactly her forte. But after all her efforts to be on time and not screw anything up, she got to the front desk and they told her she needed to reschedule, supposedly now wasn't a good time for them. She had to refrain from going ballistic on the lady. This meeting had been planned months in advance and now she had to reschedule.

Alexia was trying to find the bright side to this as she left the building. Then she remembered she was in London and could do whatever she wanted. Her hotel was booked for a few days so she was going to find something productive with her time here. So she dropped her briefcase and boards and things for her presentation off at the hotel, and decided to do her favorite pass time, walk. It was a beautiful city, and Lexi never having been here before took it in with watchful eyes.

It wasn't until her stomach rumbled that she realized she was hungry, and was thankful not to have had it happen at the meeting. Through all her rushing she had forgotten to eat. Alexia wasn't one to eat a lot, but she did have three same well balanced meals a day and her stomach was not happy with today's laps in breakfast. So she stepped into the nearest cafe, it was packed. It was seat yourself but most every table was taken. Not wanting to go out scouting for a different place, Alexia walked over to a small table with a women that looked about her age, "Would you mind if I joined you?" This was something Lexi never would have done at home but what was the worst that could happen, she said no and they never saw each other again so she had decided to take the risk.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry if it's a little long, I just felt like writing :)

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