Potter Plots

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James Potter

Well-Known Member
16 inches Mahogony Pheonix Feather Core
okay so James Potter is visiting New Zealand while on Quidditch Hiatus! YAY!

Though besides one obvious Plot with Isabella I'm kinda short on ideas for the young wizard....

The only thing I could really think of as far as fun wise is him meeting up with Tin who's currently in exile after being freed by Luxen who is on the run by his own plot....

any ideas?
Well I wouldn't mind roleplaying with you

But at the moment I don't have any plot ideas

Or is this just for adults?
If you want he can run into Jacqueline..I assure you she would not be nice though.
I'm kinda iffy about James running into Death Eaters, hmm.... if it didn't turn into anything big I wouldn't mind RPing with Jaqueline...
When would James have graduated and what house was he in? I'm trying to figure out if him and Shane would have known each other.

Shane graduated in 2019 and was a Gryffindor.
Sophia Stark said:
When would James have graduated and what house was he in? I'm trying to figure out if him and Shane would have known each other.

Shane graduated in 2019 and was a Gryffindor.
James is suppose to be a 6th year this year however after being recruited to Chudley Cannons over the summer decided not to return to school, he recently turned 17; November 7th... James has been studying on his own however with a bit of help from Hermione however his decision not to return to school has kinda ostracized him from his family (him and Harry had a row and Ginny is upset with his decision) Albus and Lily are neutral however Albus is leaning towards his family while Lily is more understanding.

Of course George is okay with it and Ron is also okay (mostly since James is playing for his favorite team). Hermione doesn't approve however still wants him to get an education and so has been helping him every now and then.

James was captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team when he was a fourth year which I believe would've been during 2019 and also played as Seeker for the Gryffindor team during all five years he attended school.

If James does return to school it won't be untill next year.

(Admin already know about all of this and approve!)
I feel kinda stupid because I thought Shane had been in Slytherin

I wrote up another character that played on the Gryffindor Quidditch team (it was on HS)

Name: Ravyn Daniels

Age: 19

Blood: Half Blood (Father Wizard; Mother Muggle)

School: Hogwarts Sorted into the house of Gryffindor.

Graduated: 2019

Ravyn was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain her Sixth and Seventh Year. She was replaced by fellow teammate James Potter who she was also good friends with.

Growing up Ravyn lived in a small muggle village with her parents, despite having a wizard for a father she grew up not knowing alot about the wizarding world. Growing up and attending Hogwarts her best friend was Chloe Mack, they now live together as roomates in an apartment in London.

Despite being complete opposites they are the greatest of friends always doing things together, the only thing they seemed to dissagree on was Grawp, While Chloe seemed to love hanging out with the Giant Ravyn was quite afraid of him and despite getting to know him in their fourth year she still tries to avoid him.

Ravyn works part time in both Quality Quidditch Supplies and Mallory Malkins Robe's for All Occasions, she has pretty expensive tastes and is quite friendly with others, though very loyal she tends to be a bit more adventerous then Chloe.

Ravyn currently plays for the Holyhead Harpies!
I don't blame you for thinking Shane was a Slytherin. If I were to look at my characters and make a guess that's what it would be. He's kind of the black sheep of the family.

I didn't necessarily want Shane to ever have been the captain, I just thought it would be weird for there to have been a 4th year captain while there was a 7th year on the team. But Shane was also never on HS. :wacko:
Sophia Stark said:
I don't blame you for thinking Shane was a Slytherin. If I were to look at my characters and make a guess that's what it would be. He's kind of the black sheep of the family.

I didn't necessarily want Shane to ever have been the captain, I just thought it would be weird for there to have been a 4th year captain while there was a 7th year on the team. But Shane was also never on HS. :wacko:
Actually Shane would've graduated with Ravyn (who I wrote as the Captain :doh: ) meaning James would've been captain after they left.
All right. Well, in any case, Shane and James should know each other. We could do something with that if you like.
It wouldnt have to turn into anything big. Jacqueline is trying to stay on her best behavior for her new auror boyfriend. It would be a challenge for her to hold her temper though. ;) If you wish to RP I will with you.
James Potter said:
Sophia Stark said:
I don't blame you for thinking Shane was a Slytherin. If I were to look at my characters and make a guess that's what it would be. He's kind of the black sheep of the family.

I didn't necessarily want Shane to ever have been the captain, I just thought it would be weird for there to have been a 4th year captain while there was a 7th year on the team. But Shane was also never on HS. :wacko:
Actually Shane would've graduated with Ravyn (who I wrote as the Captain :doh: ) meaning James would've been captain after they left.
Duh! The Graduation Dates are still posted on HS!

(just checked)

Shane is listed as a Gryffindor over there and graduated with

(we should bring that back over here, it's quite usefull!)

Shane Stark
Ravyn Daniels

Nero Acacius
Cynthia Vandervoort

Sebastien Black
Chloe Mack
Erica Matthews
I wouldn't mind RPing with both of you, would James and Shane have kept in contact (they had a three year age difference)
I'm pretty sure the list is still here, in the background center.

EDIT: It's here, but not all of the characters from HS are on it.

I doubt they would have stayed in contact. But I'm sure Shane would say hi if he saw James. They've probably played each other in Quidditch since then and such.
yeah found it!
(Kudos to Ford Harkonnen of HNZ for creating this list. This is for both here and HNZ. If you would like to be added to this, PM me or post here, whichever you prefer (and I'll PM Ford on the sister site))
Here is a list of when everybody graduated. All listed graduated from the original Hogwarts in Scotland unless noted otherwise.

Wizarding school in Salem, MA
Home schooled

Bolded names indicate Prefect.
Italicized names indicate Head Boy/Girl.

Tom Riddle

Cordilia Le'Creigh

Arthur Weasley

Molly Weasley

Lucius Malfoy
Esmerelda Smickett

Alicia Barker

Valcan Drage
Ishmael Stark

Larkana Drage Stark

James Potter
Lily Evans
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin

Severus Snape
Patrick Cooper
Loki Perthro

Bill Weasley

So Yuo Chang-Rodriguez
Zander Theaton

Charlie Weasley

Augustus Keller
Percy Weasley
Penelope Clearwater

Cedric Diggory

Tristan Drage
Joshua Hanson

Fred Weasley
George Weasley

Savannah London
Roswald Hollawarth

Cho Chang
Nancy Weasley
Morgase Prince

Sammael Stark

Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermoine Granger
Neville Longbottom

Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson

Mallory Malkin
Anthony Goldstein
Padma Patil

Helen Stidham
Hannah Abbot
Ernie MacMillan

Freya Heimdall
Ginny Weasley
Lila Russel

Juanita Stidham
Tina Perez

Dorothy Perthro
Montague Prince

Gabriel Lloyd
Jacqueline Burke

Lief Sigurd
Daisy Lockhart-Sigurd
Brunhilde Sigurd-Drage
Aidan Reese

Alice Reese
Edvard Courten

Cecily Rambolt
Maeve O'Brien
Luxen Silverback

Patrick O'Brien
Melanie Larks
Morganna Le'Creigh
Rowena Porter

Nicolas King
George Townshend
Zach Willstone
Sarah Jones

Robinton Greasel*
Sarana Phoenix

Sectus Mortis
Thorine Dolohov

Belladonna Weiss
Sasha Pinkerton
Andrew Cooper

Raziel Bishop

Thanatos Perthro
Losif Kira
Anthony Warlock
Josiah Starns

Stella Marielle

Edward Wellington
Nathaniel Hughes
Aphrodite Fox
Calypso Davis

Christobelle Oliver

Olivia Zsarcaspian

Storm Avainne

Layla Avainne

William Bishop
Allie Tay
Tania Rogers

Shane Stark
Ravyn Daniels

Nero Acacius
Cynthia Vandervoort

Sebastien Black
Chloe Mack
Erica Matthews


This is the one from HS, we should ask Cecily if she minded replacing the other one with this one...

I think they would've played each other, what position does Shane play?
Shane Stark said:
I'm about to go to bed, but you can start one if you like. Anywhere is fine really, it doesn't have to be the Leaky, but it can if you want it to be. No promises on when I'll get to responding.
that's fine, think I'll take a nap and start it later.
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