Possible Shopping System Update

I have read Nick's post below

  • Yes, of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The interesting parts of it, at least.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - but I'm voting anyway!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
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Pure Blood
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Despite having an awesome inventory system, I've noticed many characters have empty inventories - which means they haven't bought any items using HNZ's shopping system, which currently requires roleplays.

The problem with this system is often that sales grow inactive, shopkeepers disappear, and areas close to students. So while it's awesome to roleplay with a shopkeeper, haggle a price, and get to know shop assistants - it's not always possible.

It is these concerns which led me to discuss an idea for a shopping system revamp with the staff.

Here is what we came up with a new webpage system for buying items.

Notable features:
1) You can search for specific items and buy with one click
2) You can browse by shop, shopping area, etc. (and link to specific pages)
3) Shopkeepers can edit the results for their shop, and add new entries from within the system.

Draw backs:
1) Will possibly dissuade some people from roleplaying in shops
Note: Shops are very rarely used as it is, so I personally think this won't hurt. If anything, it will allow the shop forums to be used for more recreational roleplaying.
3) This can be a pro and a con: with this system, students can buy items from any shop at any time. They can still only roleplay in the village during Brightstone weekends, and Obsidian etc. over breaks.
2) There are still small bugs in the system I am working out.

1) The preview which will be linked to below is just that - a preview. Every shop has been given at least one item, but if the system is changed shopkeepers would stock their own shops. Eeylops Owl Emporium, QQS, and Ollivander's in Obsidian Harbour all have several stock items to display what fuller shops might look like.
2) General users: Do not click the purchase links yet! They work - trust me. However, we're not processing requests that come through this system unless it is voted to stay.
3) Moderators (of any forum): You will see links to be able to edit items, or add items. However, unless you are a shopkeeper, those areas will not work. So just ignore them? xD
4) Shopkeepers: You will be able to edit/add items in your shop (when viewing your shop's listing, or a search result from your shop). However, I would recommend you not waste time on that as this system may not be voted in to existence by the board. There are also very key instructions I must give you before you insert any data, as improper insertion can cause errors (like your shop not appearing - as Kaitlyn discovered. xD Fortunately it is easily fixed on my end, and will hopefully be permanently solved in the future.).

With all that out of the way, feel free to explore!

Note: How the system appears may be updated in the next several days to make it more pretty. ;)

Thank you all for taking the time to read, vote, and share your thoughts in this topic. :)

I am all for this idea, wicked awesome idea!
I can see it definitely helping out with sales and everything! ♥

I do have one thing that I've been wondering though, what happens to the Shop Assistants currently hired in said shops and such?
They can remain hired, and paid by the shopkeeper etc. :erm:
Nicolas King said:
as improper insertion can cause errors (like your shop not appearing - as Kaitlyn discovered. xD Fortunately it is easily fixed on my end, and will hopefully be permanently solved in the future.
This bug has been fixed. :)
I am all for it!!! It would be particularly great for ollivanders because of how much I am swamped during the sorting times. It would allow those who only want their wands to get them while I can put more thought into the threads that actually want to rp. I vote absolutely yes!!
Very Nice Nic! We have defiantly needed this.

- Brock - :hug:
Absolutely positively yes!!!

I believe this would be sooooo much easier on the shopkeepers (I run Gladrags for those who don't know) especially since there are a number of us that basically are running the shop on our own. Anything that makes life easier on the shopkeepers, their staffs, and the site staff would be a great thing in my eyes. :D
Another wonderful update of an already excellent site. You, good Sir Nicolas have my full support on this. ^_^

A concern of mine is one you've already brought up. It is the fact that students can get whatever item they want at a whims' notice, regardless of the in character time (which I accidentally just did I freely confess. :shy: ). But yes, a shopping system independent of the roleplayers' current level of muse is most welcome by me.
Alexandra Hohenstein said:
(which I accidentally just did I freely confess. :shy: )
Well, you and the other person who used the system for purchases will not be getting those items. ;)
As I said: this is just a preview. :p
I want to buy anything, its more addictive then ebay.

I'm addicted to ebay by the way.

- Brock - :hug:
Loving it! :D

I Approve!
Wow! This is so extreme :3 but I agree with the shops and sales being inactive will make things easier on anyone. But can you still have that option role playing and purchasing out the old way? I really miss just role playing even for the simplest things like treats ^_^ but this is still fantastic! :wub:
Maddiie Stewart said:
But can you still have that option role playing and purchasing out the old way? I really miss just role playing even for the simplest things like treats
You can still roleplay in shops with the shopkeeper, sure. You can roleplay buying things, sure. But to actually get them you would need to purchase them through that system.
Recent updates:
1) Images on the main shopping page (it looks slightly prettier!)
Note: I made those sucky images and have asked Kaitlyn to make new ones. If somebody else would like to volunteer to design the main page's images, though, I'm sure Kaitlyn would be more than happy to let you. :p
2) Only the appropriate shopkeeper and staff see the edit/add item links for the shops. (So the shopkeeper of Flourish and Blotts only sees those options in the Flourish and Blotts area, not for other shops, and professors who don't own shops won't see those options on any page.) Previously all moderators could see all the options (but they wouldn't work).
3) Site Staff can change shop ownership within the system. (Which will allow the new owner to add/edit items within their shop.)
4) In order to keep a purpose to Brightstone weekends, and not have to code something to prevent students from accessing the shops outside of weekends, students will be able to purchase items at any time, but items from certain shops may never be added (Ex. The Silver Snake - where some items are illegal, and some require admin approval for purchase) and other items may not be added to a student's inventory until a Brightstone weekend or Holiday begins.

Updates that may be coming in the future:
1) Ability to mark a purchase as a gift for another user/character. (Medium-likeliness)
2) 'Shopping Cart'/Checklist to buy more than one item at once. (Less likely)
I like the idea a lot I think it will make things so much better for when sorting comes around and I can also get some of the books and stuff I was not able to get because shopkeeps just stopped rping with me.
Sounds good to me Nick. ;)
This system has literally blown me away. When we had a handful of active members, the old system was great. :) But now that the site has grown and grown and grown... xD This new system is amazing!
I love the new system, it is so easy to search through, i havn't tried to add new products to my shop yet though.
ons suggestion i have is each the shop keepers make little icons for each shop (like the classrooms have) also may there be a way to sort the product into groups within the shop.
I know that the icons probably will be more trouble than they are worth, and that the products can be sorted by giving them certain names ie Tarot cards: DIY, and Crystal ball: basic bit it is just a suggestion.
I had considered categories before, but it would be an incredible hassle, and fairly confusing/difficult to implement. So I support doing the second thing you suggested ("Category: Specific" as the item name. "Uniform: Gryffindor Girls", "Cauldron: #2 Basic" or "Crystal Ball: Beginner's" - you get the idea.)

As to shop images, I'm not sure what function they would serve. Also, a shopkeeper's ability to edit is limited to the confines of their shop. They cannot edit any data in the "Area View" (the list of shops) including the shop name, shop description, or the shop owner. The name and description are hard-wired (or so to speak) in to the system with no front-end editing having been coded. The shop's owner has been set up, as mentioned, to be editable by staff. Adding a second editing function to the same view would be incredibly strange looking for staff, difficult to set up for shopkeepers and, as I said, I'm not sure what function the shop images would serve at all.
With 100% of the vote being that "Should definitely be used!" the new shopping system is in the process of being installed.
Shopkeepers, please check your personal messages for instructions on setting up your shops.
FAQ and other documentations will be updated in the coming days.
Every shop forum now has a link in it linking to that shop's system page.
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