
Opse that was me! This is the second time I've done that today.


Forgive me?<i></i>
Professor Freya Heimdall said:
Opse that was me! This is the second I've done that today.

Forgive me?

No. You shall not be forgiven.
Is everyone on a cat craze now or something?

My week old kitten just got out of surgery a last week. Poor thing had too get his leg amputated. He lived though and he's doing well so I'm happy. I named him Raluk!

Don't have any pictures yet though otherwise I'd post it.
I had a client who had a cat with only three legs. Man that thing could jump and play and basically I didn't even notice it only had three until they pointed it out. I like Cats, but I don't like Liter.
I'm allergic to cats, but they are sillay. Someone left three newborn kittens in a box on the street in front of my house one morning. My brother and I were begging our mom to let us keep them, but we didn't. We sent them to the animal shelter.

Oh and Kaela's allergic to dogs. Love how that worked out. :p
So, no pets for Kaela and Ford? :o

of course, you could get a bird or a lizard.
Birds are awesome! I've got a Cockatiel and my sister's getting a Quaker in June. If you live in Minnesota there's this really great breeder that I could recommend.
Or you could get a hairless cat and a hairless dog. :lol:

Oh wow, that'd be awesome. I'd dress 'em up. :cool:
Or one of those ones that are bred not to shed. I've heard they glow in the dark or under blacklight or something... :lol:

They're spendy though.
Ooo my mums friend is allergic to dogs and she has one of them ones that reduces your allergic reaction or something along them lines, fluffly little thing it was hahaha

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