Plottage with jasmine tea

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Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hello guys. I have a fiew charictors which dont have many plots at the moment.

Elvera Le Fey

She is a seventh year ravenclaw. rather quiet, and notthat social.
after almost a full seven years at hogwarts she sill hasnt got any friends, which is a shame.

what she needs
unknown half sister?
anything else you can sugest.

Morgan le Fey

Shopkeeper, seer, a little crazy, nice.
what she needs
unknown daughter (see elvera)
anything else you can suggest.

Briar Rowan

fourth year gryfindor. Wild, athletic, and up for anything. she will never say no to a challenge, loves sport, and is in the quiddich team.
What she needs.
flings, she probably wont have relationship, but a fling will be fun
anything else you can think of

Tara Sitara

Second year puff, naiive, artist, bubbly,
what she needs
I could offer Rohana as a possible half-sister. Her mother left when she was little (just after her sister was born) and she had been in a lot of relationships previous to her father. So she could have :woot: been with Elvera's father possibly...? (Just a suggestion, its up to you.)

A bit about Rohana:
She's 11 and about to start at HNZ.
She loves music and was given the opportunity to record one of her songs.
She is bubbly and fun and rather loud.

For Briar I can offer Aimee Darkhart as a friend (Rohana's cousin) and 4th year Slytherin
She maybe a Slytherin but at the moment she is being harrassed by her younger 'sister' her adopted mum's real kid and just wants to have some friends at Hogwarts.
She's a little lonely at the moment and sometimes has moments when she breaks down and cries but she tries to be a strong person.
Check out her bio for more info on her.

Also for Briar I can offer Eliza Beth Stewart a 4th year Ravenclaw
She's a little shy and doesn't have many friends, but she's trying to come out of her shell and make some friends. So yeah. She's a brilliant artist, has been recently adopted with her sisters and is the happiest she has been for years now.

So what do you think? You can use all or none I don't mind.
Let me know ;)
I can really see this working, briar will stick up for her when she needs it and comfort her when she needs that too. plus it would be cool for Briar to become friends with a slytherin *shock horror* and realise that they aren't all mean, and that they need help too.

Eliza Beth
I can sort of see her getting along better with Tara if she isn't too young, what do you think?

I was sort of looking for an older sister on the mothers side. but thanks for the offer.
Cool. I love a good ol' bit of *shock horror*
Doth thou want to start the rp or do you want me to?

Eliza Beth&Tara
That's fine, her sister is 2nd year and she doesn't
have any problems with the age of her friends as long as they are good friends
Do you want to start the rp or do you want me to?

That's fine, it was just a suggestion ^_^
It would make sense for each of us to start one
If i start the Eliza beth and tara you can start the Aimee and Briar one.
maybe briar will find Aimee when she is being picked on by her sister.
and tara and Eliza Beth could meet in the grounds as one (or both) of them is drawing.
OMG Mia I am going to send you a pm in less you have a yahoo or a msn or a skype or we can talk on facebook! Sooo many ideas are going on in my head right now and all of them could be epic and awesome.
a PM would work (I don't really want to give me MSN or Skype address out)
I will start it this evening as right nor i am meant to be studying
Cool thanks, I'll reply and get onto the Aimee one, I just had to get her sister reactivated first :)
Right I have replied and I will make the topic as soon as I reply to another one I have to do...
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