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Sexual Orientation
I'm going to keep it to one character this time, but I'm really excited to have him get some action again so here we go!

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This here is Nathaniel Rowe, he's twenty-four years old and he is a Muggle! Nathaniel was born in Scotland and has lived at an orphanage untill he was nineteen. Never having felt at place at the orphanage Nate had developed multiple problems whilst living there, the worst of these being anger issues. Due to this issues no one had ever wanted to adopt him. When he was nineteen he had worked multiple jobs and had finally saved up and earned enough money to be able to get out of there, knowing exactly where he was heading: New Zealand. He had always dreamt of visiting the country and although he had no idea of what he would do when he got there he felt the need to go and so he did. After he arrived in New Zealand he spent quite some time couch hopping, before being picked up by a police officer who, after having a very long conversation with him, seemed to see the positive side of him and decided to take him in. The trust this man had in Nate made him to be the friendly, kind and helpful guy he is today and even though he is still struggling with anger issues it happens far less oten than when he was a kid and Nate has a far better grip on things. What I need for Nathaniel is everything from friends to people who stand up to him to possible love interests. He definetely needs some good friends to support him and with who he can have some fun when he's not working. If you want to know more feel free to pm me and other than that I'm up for anything so let me know what you think!

I'm completely up for Nathaniel and Honoria to meet and to progress into either friends or a potential love interest depending on how you think they would get along. Honoria is extremely self confident and probably a little brash but she is nice and talkative and quite sensitive (there is more in her bio if you're interested). So yeah, let me know ^_^

I can offer Leo Stanton my unspeakable up to Nathaniel Rowe for sort of anything you want really. Leo is a Londoner, who recently moved to New Zealand in pursuit of an Unspeakable career with the Ministry of Magic. His Mother/Father (not done working out his family history) is Muggle-born and as such he does have a connection to the Muggle world through that parent's side fo the family. So he can easily transition from one to the other smoothly without sticking out on either side of the line. Leo is quirky at best; he is a fast talking clumsy guy who tries his best to remain as optimistic as possible even if he is plagued by a life-long series of unfortunate events. Outside his immense love for all things magical, he is an avid reader and movie buff. A workaholic at heart he struggles to make time to have a social life or a romantic one for that matter which sometimes causes conflict as it can be tough to get really to know him at first. He lives in small one bedroom apartment in the harbor but does often travel outside of the area to visit relatives or to escape the hustle and bustle of wizarding life. These activities are the typical guy activities such as lifting weights, being outdoors/ in nature, bowlign, fishing, hunting, etc., etc. As for what Leo is looking for in others, is a bit of a broad list. He is bisexual but is not quick to jump into a relationship in a sense of the word. If the love interest route is taken then he would not be quick to label any relationship until he feels a strong emotional connection nor would he just jump in the sack with anyone, his mother raised him better than that so that it would be a slow build up. As for friends, Leo can easily slip into the support role and can listen as well as offer sound advice. Could he provide an outlet for Nate though various activities maybe taking him to the gym to working through that process or even boxing? I do not seem them as enemies as Leo is too morally sound to be dubious or cruel.He would not be opposed to putting Nate in his place or on the straight and narrow through tough love. So if you are interested just let me know!
Honoria and Nate sounds intresting! I think it'll be fun to see how they'd get along, especially because Nathaniel would probably be a bit taken a back by how confident she is and it may take a little while before he has an opinion about her.

For Leo I think they'd get along great! Even though he's handling his problems much better thanks to the support and the discipline he needs for his job it would be great for Nate to have a friend who could join him in activities that could work as stress relief and to get things out of his system and if Leo's up for that then I think they could be good friends.
Great! I'm always up for some conflict/drama, she's not the easiest person to get along with. She's kind of like a marmite character so xD

Erm, would you like to plot something or just wing it?
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