Plots would be nice

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Lisa Boatwood

Well-Known Member
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Okay, so I'd like Lisa to get involved with a minor plot, if anyone's up for the challenge. Maybe an older student could "accidentally" get her into a duel, or maybe just a big fight involving a few people.

Sorry, my brain is dead at the moment. =-/ Anybody with suggestions?
well i would accidently get into a fight with you but... i kinda think lisa is libbys friends xD hmm i have a slytherin first year you could rp with and make an enemy of though if you want xD
@Joyce: That could work. Lisa doesn't like mean people, but she gets scared of real EVIL people; she wouldn't really fight back, she'd cower and go "OH NO!" :O

@Pheeb: Lisa is kinda Libby's friend, being honest, but she can roleplay with the Slytherin girl if you want. :)
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